causedv. 引起;使發生(cause的過去分詞)adj. 由…引起的
caused 原因,理由;導致的;caused by 由…造成;由 …造成;歸因於;caused disorder 搞事/製造事端;caused controversy 引起爭議;caused event 被使事件;使果事件;
1.His disability caused this thing to fail. 他的無能導致了這件事失敗。
2.Prevent brain damage caused by the injury. 防止由大腦傷害造成的損傷。
3.This caused dissonance amongst the slaves who would sometimes rise up against one another over territory or resources of the land, causing war. 這導致了奴隸中的不和諧,有時候會因領土或土地資源爭端而起來彼此抗爭,從而導致了戰爭。
If it is caused by the transportation? - 如果是由運輸造成的呢?
The smog in L.A. is caused by air pollution and water vapor. - 洛杉磯的煙霧是由空氣污染和水蒸氣造成的。
I'm sorry to have caused you so much inconvenience. - 給你造成諸多不便,我很抱歉。
Please accept my apologies for any trouble my mistake has caused you. - 因為我的失誤給你添麻煩了,請接受我的道歉。
The scandal caused a lot of comment. - 這件醜聞遭到很多議論。
The news caused great excitement. - 這消息令人極為興奮。
His controversial speech caused a wild discussion. - 他們有爭議的講話引起了一場廣泛的討論。
The embarrassing situation caused me to lose face. - 令人尷尬的場合讓我丟了面子。
We should make it clear whether the damage was caused in transit or during the unloading process, or by other reasons. - 我們要弄清楚貨物是否在運輸途中受損,還是在卸貨過程中受損,或者別的原因。
Then the damage must be caused at somewhere along the line where the goods weren't handled properly. - 那麼殘損一定是在運輸途中的什麼地方對貨物處理不妥造成的。
Forest fire caused by lava - 熔岩引起的森林大火
The damage was caused by external forces. - 損害是由外力引起的。
Forest fires are often caused by broken glass or by cigarette ends which people carelessly throw away. - 森林火災時常由破碎的玻璃或人們隨手扔掉的香煙頭引起。
Three factors have caused these fish to grow so large: - 這些因素促使這些魚可以長得如此巨大:
In this part of the cave, they could hear an insistent booming sound which they found was caused by a small waterspout shooting down into a pool from the roof of the cave. - 在這兒,他們可以聽見一種連續不斷的轟鳴聲。後來他們發現這是由山洞頂部的一個小孔裡噴出的水柱跌落到水潭中發出的聲音。
Though this caused great mirth among the guests, Aunt Harriet was horrified. - 這件事引起了客人們的歡笑,但哈麗特卻著實嚇了一跳。
This caused the construction of gigantic buildings where too large masses of human beings are crowded together. - 這樣就導致了許多摩天大廈拔地而起,大廈內眾多的人擠在一起。
It caused devastation by burrowing and by devouring the herbage which might have maintained millions of sheep and cattle. - 它們在地下打洞,吃掉本可以飼養數百萬頭牛羊的牧草,給澳洲大陸造成了毀滅性的破環。
The first tests on the Solent in 1959 caused a sensation. - 在1959年,在蘇倫特海峽進行的首次試航引起了轟動。
The Holy Office knew this full well when it caused heretics to be burned in days gone by. - 宗教法庭對此是非常清楚的,因此從前它總是把異教徒燒死。
It was called Saving the earth and it was all about the damage that is being caused to the world. - 會議叫「拯救地球」,所以全是有關地球遭受破壞的事情。
What Caused The Fire ? - 是什麼引發了火災?
There had been fuel on the ship, but this did not appear to have caused the fire, and little smoke was produced. - 很顯然,船艙裡已經發生了一場烈火,但是船艙內壁卻完好無損。船上存放著汽油,但火災似乎不是它引起的,因為沒有冒出什麼煙來。
The fire service began to wonder whether a gas might have caused the fire. - 消防部門開始懷疑有一種氣體可能會導致火災。
consumption of yin caused by prolonged fever; persistent fever injuring yin essence - 久熱傷陰
dizziness caused by adverse flow of qi - 下厥上冒
dizziness caused by summer-heat evil - 中暑眩暈
five kinds of impairments caused by overstrain; five kinds of impairments caused by overstuain - 五勞所傷
insomnia caused by internal injury - 內傷不得臥
haziness caused by internal damage - 內傷引起的意識朦朧
lumbago caused by internal injury - 內傷腰痛
convulsion caused by improper diet - 內傷飲食痙
affection caused by summer-heat; heat stroke; heatstroke - 冒暑
internal unjury caused by overstrain - 勞損
internal injury caused by overstrain - 勞損傷
asphyxia caused by chemicals - 化學性窒息
dizziness caused by smoking - 吸煙眩暈
diseases caused by exopathogen; imjury - 外傷
epidemic febrile disease carsed by esopathogen; epidemic febrile disease caused by exopathogen - 外感溫病
lumbago caused by exopathogen - 外感腰痛
relieving colic caused byascaris - 安蛔
chronic arthralgia caused by cold-dampness - 寒濕久痺
vomiting in infancy caused by fright - 驚吐
edema caused by infantile convulsion - 驚水
impairment of the heart caused by overstrain - 心勞
flaccidity caused by the exuberant heart-fire - 心痿
sudden death caused by acute infectious diseases - 急性傳染病急死
fever caused by infection - 感染性發熱
wound by the strice of animals; wound caused by the strike of animals horn - 牴觸傷
trauma caused bybeating with bamboo stick - 板子傷
hicup caused by disorder of qi - 氣呃
atranguria carsed by disorder of qi; qi stranguria; stranguria caused by disorder of qi - 氣淋
dysruia caused by disorder of vital energy - 氣癃
disease caused by infectious water - 水中病
heat toxin with skin eruption; maculae caused by violent heat-pathogen; maculae caused by virulent heat pathogen - 溫毒發斑
cough caused by damp pathogen; cough caused by wetness-evil - 濕嗽
convulsive seizure caused by damp pathogen - 濕痙
multiple abscess cause by plegm-dampness; multiple abscess caused by phlegm-dampness - 濕痰流注
beriberi caused by phlegmdampness - 濕痰腳氣
lumbago caused by damp pathogen - 濕腰痛
disease caused by poisonous water - 溪溫
cough caused by pathogenic fire - 火咳
dyspnea caused by pathogenic fire - 火喘
scleritis caused by pathogenic fire - 火邪結聚為疳
consumption of body fluid caused by heat - 熱傷津液
heat gonorrhea; strangury caused by pathogeni heat; strangury due a heat; strangury due to heat - 熱淋
consumption of yin caused by febrile disease - 熱病傷陰
cough caused by dryness or iirritating dry cough - 燥咳
dizziness caused by dryness-evil; vertigo caused by pathogemic dryness-fire; vertigo caused by pathogenic dryness-fire - 燥火眩暈
cough caused by drynesheat; cough caused by dryness-heat - 燥熱咳嗽
flaccidity caused by dryness-heat; flacidity cuased by drynessheat - 燥熱痿
asphyxia caused by electricity - 電性窒息
maculae caused by virulent pathogen - 瘟毒發斑
stranguria caused by the passage of urinary stone - 石淋
n.風熱乳蛾 - acute tonsillitis caused by pathogenic wind-heat
n.冒暑 - affection caused by summer-heat
n.敗血沖心 - alienation caused by lochioschesie
妊娠貧血 - anemia caused by pregnancy
抗生物質超因性大腸炎 - antibiotic caused colitis
n.化學性窒息 - asphyxia caused by chemicals
n.電性窒息 - asphyxia caused by electricity
n.濕痰腳氣 - beriberi caused by phlegmdampness
n.寒濕久痺 - chronic arthralgia caused by cold-dampness
n.蛔厥 - colic caused by ascaris
n.熱傷津液 - consumption of body fluid caused by heat
n.熱病傷陰 - consumption of yin caused by febrile disease
n.久熱傷陰 - consumption of yin caused by prolonged fever
n.內傷飲食痙 - convulsion caused by improper diet
n.濕痙 - convulsive seizure caused by damp pathogen
n.濕嗽 - cough caused by damp pathogen
n.燥熱咳嗽 - cough caused by drynesheat
n.燥咳 - cough caused by dryness
n.燥熱咳嗽 - cough caused by dryness-heat
n.燥咳 - cough caused by dryness or iirritating dry cough
n.火咳 - cough caused by pathogenic fire
n.濕嗽 - cough caused by wetness-evil
n.水中病 - disease caused by infectious water
n.溪溫 - disease caused by poisonous water
公害病 - disease caused by pollution
n.外傷 - diseases caused by exopathogen
n.下厥上冒 - dizziness caused by adverse flow of qi
n.燥火眩暈 - dizziness caused by dryness-evil
n.吸煙眩暈 - dizziness caused by smoking
n.中暑眩暈 - dizziness caused by summer-heat evil
n.驚水 - edema caused by infantile convulsion
n.風水 - edema caused by wind
n.火喘 - dyspnea caused by pathogenic fire
n.氣癃 - dysruia caused by disorder of vital energy
n.外感溫病 - epidemic febrile disease caused by exopathogen
n.血虛熱 - fever caused by bliid deficiency
n.血虛發熱 - fever caused by blood deficiency
n.感染性發熱 - fever caused by infection
n.五勞所傷 - five kinds of impairments caused by overstrain
n.五勞所傷 - five kinds of impairments caused by overstuain
n.燥熱痿 - flaccidity caused by dryness-heat
n.心痿 - flaccidity caused by the exuberant heart-fire
n.內傷引起的意識朦朧 - haziness caused by internal damage
n.腦風 - headache caused by pathogenic wind
n.邪熱 - heat symptoms caused by an exopathogen
n.氣呃 - hicup caused by disorder of qi
n.心勞 - impairment of the heart caused by overstrain
n.腎勞 - impairment of the kidney caused by overstrain
n.肺勞 - impairment of the lung caused by overstrain
n.內傷不得臥 - insomnia caused by internal injury