





n. animate being ,beast ,creature ,faunaa. carnal ,fleshly ,sensual


a. mineral ,vegetable


animal['æniməl]n. 動物


animal 動物;鬥獸棋;生肖;動物世界;wild animal 野獸;野生動物;野生;野獸之都;Animal Farm 動物莊園;動物農莊;動物農場;畜牧場;Animal genetics 動物遺傳學;釋義:動物遺傳學;performing animal 馴服的動物;馴養動物;征服的動物;


1.The dolphin is a smart animal. 海豚是一種聰明的動物。

2.We eat every part of the animal. 我們吃遍動物的每一個部位。

3.She subscribes to an animal protection society. 她捐款給一個動物保護協會。


ASPCA Animal Shelter. - ASPCA動物收容所。

Let's get her to the animal shelter, - 我們把她送到動物收容所。

We're off to the animal shelter. - 我們這就去動物收容所。

I see you're both animal lovers. - 我看得出你們都是喜愛動物的人。

alone in the animal shelter. - 獨自在動物收容所 。

that the animal shelter is so careful - 動物收容所需要如此小心

This is Linda Aborn from the animal shelter. - 我是動物收容所的Linda Aborn。

It's Linda from the animal shelter. - 是動物收容所的Linda。

A person must strain one's ears to hear a wild animal in the forest. - 在森林裡,人類必須對野獸豎起耳朵才行。

The experts were now fully convinced that the animal was a puma, - 專家們如今已經完全肯定那只動物就是美洲獅,

It is disturbing to think that a dangerous wild animal is still at large in the quiet countryside. - 想到在寧靜的鄉村裡有一頭危險的野獸繼續逍遙流竄,真令人擔心。

Recently the New York Animal Medical Center made a study of 132 cats over a period of five months. - 最近,紐約動物醫療中心對132隻貓進行了為期5個月的綜合研究。

On the other hand, your stomach would turn at the idea of frying potatoes in animal fat -- the normally accepted practice in many northern countries. - 另一方面,你一想到動物油炸土豆就會反胃,但這在北方許多國家卻是一種普通的烹任方法。

Only the Earth provides ideal conditions, and even here it has taken more than four billion years for plant and animal life to evolve. - 只有地球提供理想的條件,而即使在這裡,植物和動物的進化也用了40億年的時間。

when the whole animal is sometimes preserved, as in a refrigerator. - 有時整個動物像被放在冰箱裡一樣被保存下來,

and zoomorphic animal shapes ablaze with red and gold and blue, - 還有用紅色、金黃色、藍色繪製的光彩奪目的獸形圖案,

for it produces a resentful animal who at a later stage may well turn man-killer. - 因為這種方法訓練會使動物反感,在以後某個時期可能會變成傷人的動物。

The first essential in elephant training is to assign to the animal a single mahout who will be entirely responsible for the job. - 馴象中至關重要的是指派一名專門的馴象員,全面負責這項工作。

There was less food for birds and also for the prairie dog, a kind of animal which lives in holes in the ground. - 供鳥類吃的食物少了,供草原犬鼠(一種生活在地洞裡的動物)吃的食物也少了。

The lines of the animal had in fact been cut into the rock. - 事實上,動物的線條被刻進岩石裡。


animal bite - 獸咬傷

animal temperature - 動物體溫

animal protection test - 動物保護試驗

animal taxology; animal taxonomy; zootaxy - 動物分類學

animal bite - 動物咬傷

oxins of animal origin - 動物天然毒素

animal experiment; zoopery - 動物實驗

animal parasite; parazoon - 動物寄生蟲

animal psychology; zoopsychology - 動物心理學

animal function - 動物性功能

animal diastase - 動物性澱粉酶

animal alkaloid - 動物性生物鹼

animal dust - 動物性粉塵

animal protein - 動物性蛋白

animal food - 動物性食物

animal antitoxin - 動物抗毒素

animal inoculation; animal vaccination - 動物接種

animal zooplasty - 動物最大無作用量

animal pole - 動物極

animal model - 動物模型

animal toxicity test - 動物毒性試驗

animal oil - 動物油

animal starch; glycogen; hepatin - 動物澱粉

animal albumin - 動物清蛋白

animal hormone; zoohormone - 動物激素

animal charcoal; animalcharcoal - 動物炭

animal ecology - 動物生態學

animal physiology; zoophysiology - 動物生理學

animal kingdom - 動物界

animal virus - 動物病毒

animal pathology; zoopathology - 動物病理學

animal saponin - 動物皂素

animal sleep - 動物睡眠

animal sleeping time test - 動物睡眠時間試驗

animal alkaloid - 動物鹼

animal magnetism; zoomagnetism - 動物磁力

animal propagation - 動物繁殖

animal tissue culture-medium - 動物組織培養基

intoxication of animal liver - 動物肝臟中毒

animal glue; animal gum; animal size - 動物膠

animal fat - 動物脂肪

animal cephalin - 動物腦磷脂

animal capsule - 動物艙

animal protein - 動物蛋白

animal protein factor - 動物蛋白因子

animal wax - 動物蠟

animal dissecting table; operation table for animal - 動物解剖台

animal dissecting instruments set - 動物解剖器械包

animal dissection; zootomy - 動物解部

animal test model - 動物試驗模型


氣中動物,空中動物 - aerial animal

AIDS模動物 - AIDS model animal

高山動物 - alpine animal

排氨動物 - ammonotelic animal

n.水生動物 - aquatic animal

n.無菌動物 - aseptic animal

無菌動物 - axenic animal

汽水動物,淡海水動物 - brackish-water animal

掘穴動物 - burrowing animal

n.食肉動物 - carnivorous animal

洞穴動物 - cave animal

慢性動物實驗 - chronic animal experiment

冷血動物 - cold-blooded animal

n.對照動物 - control animal

通常飼育動物,通常動物 - conventional animal

n.去腦動物 - decerbrated animal

去大腦動物 - decerebrate animal

去腦動物,去大腦動物 - decerebrated animal

沙漠動物 - desert animal

晝行性動物 - diurnal animal

家畜 - domestic animal

n.貧齒動物 - edentate animal

n.電子動物秤 - electric animal balance

n.電子動物秤 - electric animal scale

n.電子-電子雙共振 - electron-electric animal balance

n.實驗動物,試驗動物 - experimental animal

n.動物實驗性糖尿病 - experimental diabetes of the animal

無菌動物 - germ free animal

無菌動物 - germ-free animal

無菌動物 - germfree animal

食草動物 - herbivorous animal

恆溫動物 - homeothermal animal

恆滲透壓動物 - homoiosmotic animal

n.恆溫動物 - homoiothermal animal

n.溫血動物 - homothermal animal

n.奧賽氏動物,胡賽氏動物 - houssay animal

n.免疫動物 - immune animal

n.蟲獸傷 - injury inflicted by insect or animal bite

n.動物肝臟中毒 - intoxication of animal liver

n.實驗動物 - laboratory animal

發光動物 - luminous animal

海洋動物 - marine animal

n.中腦動物 - midbrain animal

單食性動物 - monophagous animal

喜蟻動物,蟻塚動物 - myrmecophile animal

夜行動物 - nocturnal animal

延髓動物 - oblongata animal

雜食動物 - omnivorous animal

n.動物解剖台 - operation table for animal

嗅覺動物 - osmatic animal


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