n. index ,index number ,indication ,indicator
indicant['indikənt]adj. 指示的;表示的n. 指示物
indicant 指標;指示符;指示的,指示徵狀,適應症,適效;標誌;quantitative indicant 數量標誌;attributive indicant 品質標誌;grouped indicant 分組標誌;numerical indicant 數量標誌;
1.In this paper, the characteristic and functional mechanism of the surfactant was studied, and property of alkyl indicant drilling fluid was evaluated also. 研究了烷基糖甘的特性、作用機理,並評價了烷基糖甘鑽井液的性能。試驗結果表明,烷基糖甘與油、水均有好的互溶性,與其他處理劑配伍性好;
2.Persons with disability are a weak group in whole society. It is an indicant of social harmonization to enhance care for the persons with disability and improve their quality of life. 殘疾人是社會的弱勢群體,加大對殘疾人的關懷照顧,提高其生存質量,是社會和諧的一個標誌。
3.Persons with disability are a weak group in whole society. It is an Indicant of social harmonization to enhance care for the persona with disability and improve their quality of life. 殘疾人是社會的弱勢群體,加大對殘疾人的關懷照顧,提高其生存質量,是社會和諧的一個標誌。