n. autodefensas unidas de colombia ,united self-defense force of colombia ,united self-defense group of colombia
aucabbr. 鑒別中心(Authentication Center);(拉)羅馬紀元(anno urbis conditae)
AUC 曲線下面積;藥時曲線下面積;鑒權中心;area under the curve;AUC ArithmeticUnit 運算器,運算裝置;AUC AuthenticationCenter 驗證中心,鑒定中心;ROC AUC 作特徵曲線下面積;ARAUCA AUC 阿拉烏卡;
1.Mean area under the cure (AUC) increased with increasing doses. Half-life was 1
2. 4-21 hours. All doses were well-tolerated. 平均曲線下面積隨劑量上升而上升。半衰期為12。4-21小時。所有劑量均耐受良好。
2.The average sagittal position of the thoracolumbar spine, a calculation based on the AUC, is a less variable measure of sagittal balance than the C7 plumb line. 通過基於計算AUC的方式,我們得出通過胸腰椎體的平均矢狀位置來衡量C7的垂直線是一個更加穩定可靠的方法。
3.Receive complaints of British air passengers of air transport passengers Commission (AUC) said that the airlines usually only able to provide invoices for compensation for luggage. 受理航空旅客投訴的英國航空運輸乘客委員會(AUC)說,航空公司通常只賠償能提供發票的行李。