Peugeotn. 法國標緻(法國汽車公司)
Peugeot 標誌;法國標緻;標緻汽車;寶獅;Sevel Peugeot 塞韋爾-標緻牌汽車;塞韋爾-標緻牌汽車(阿根廷);Peugeot SA 標緻雪鐵龍集團;標緻公司;法國標緻;Peugeot 207 標緻207;標誌207;Dongfeng Peugeot 東風標緻;
1.Hafei Automobile and PSA Peugeot Citroen have signed an agreement in Beijing to produce high-end commercial vehicles (≤10 seats). 近日,哈飛與標緻-雪鐵龍集團(PSA)在北京簽署協議,生產及銷售10座以下的高檔商務車。
2.DONGFENG Peugeot has persisted in the strategy step by step, has promoted a high international level quality distribution service system. 東風標緻始終堅持步步為營的戰略,全方位打造國際水準的更高質量營銷服務體系。
3.But when some of his plans met internal opposition, he went ahead without checking that he had the support of the Peugeot family, which owns 45% of the voting stock. 但當他的幾個計劃遭遇內部反對時,他卻在確認是否獲得標緻家族支持的情況下直接行事,標緻家族擁有45%的表決權股份。