UDCabbr. 國際十進位分類(universal decimal classification)
UDC 國際十進分類法;Universal Display Corporation;公用數據中心;上死點;UDC UniversalDataBaseAccessSystem 通用數據庫存取系統;UDC unclassified 未分類的;UDC universal decimal classification 國際十進制分類法;UDC Upper Deck Cargo 上艙貨物;
1.Unfortunately, the UDC, whose power base is in the south, is notoriously chary of the liberal economic reforms that Italy also needs. 不幸的是,大本營在南方的基督民主黨素來謹慎的自由經濟改革,也同樣被意大利所需。
2.He hinted at better pensions for the worst-off, lower taxes for home-owners and restrictions on short-term employment, all policies that would please the UDC. 他暗示會為「窮困潦倒」的人提供養老金,對私房業主少徵稅,而且對短期合同僱傭進行規制。所有這些措施都是為了取悅天主教民主聯盟。
3.Mr Follini's departure has prompted speculation of a wider, maybe Vatican-inspired, move to give the government support from the UDC, or at least from some of its legislators. 利尼離開中右聯盟,或許為普羅迪贏得更廣泛(或許是梵蒂岡鼓動的)天主教民主聯盟的支持提供良好契機,或者至少可以拉攏一些他們的立委。