Coroneln. 科羅內爾合金
Coronel 科羅內爾;科羅內爾(智利);科羅內爾合金;馬良;Mariela CORONEL 拉·科羅內爾;Coronel Oviedo 奧維多上校鎮;歐威多上校市;Coronel Carlos 科羅內爾;Tom Coronel Indoor Kartracing 科倫尼室內車賽;哥倫尼卡丁車賽,;
1.The British ships Good Hope and Monmouth were sunk by the Germans, at the Battle of Coronel. 在科羅內爾角海戰中,英國海軍被擊敗,「好望角」號和「蒙默思」號裝甲巡洋艦被擊沉。
2.The content of this page is from the CORONEL port or CORONEL customs import and export company directory; 本頁面內容主要是來自CORONEL港口或CORONEL海關的進出口公司目錄;
3.Her list of romantic conquests, the police say, include important members of the Sinaloa cartel like Ismael Zambada, known as El Mayo, and Ignacio Coronel, known as Nacho. 警方表示,拜倒在艾薇拉