





building industry construction industry 建築工業;Australian Industry Group-Housing Industry Association 產協會;Advantageous industry 優勢產業;aeronautic industry 航空工業;affected industry 被導工業;


1.Applicable industry: cloth and leather industry, model industry, art glass industry, building industry, advertisement industry. 適用與服裝皮革鞋業模型製作藝術玻璃建築行業廣告行業等。

2.Applicable industry: cloth and leather industry, model industry, art glass industry, building industry, advertisement industry. 適用與服裝皮革鞋業模型製作藝術玻璃建築行業廣告行業等。

3.So many heat exchange equipment using softened water are applied to petroleum refinery industry, chemical industry, papermaking industry, textile industry and suchlike various industry. 使用軟化水的換熱設備大量應用於煉油、化工、造紙、紡織等各種生產行業,在我們的檢驗過程中曾多次發現這類設備遭受到嚴重腐蝕的現象。

4.Petroleum processing and coking industry:including synthetic crude oil churn industry, crude processing industry, coal oil industry, coking industry. 石油加工及練焦業:人造原油生產業、原油加工業、石油製品業、煉焦業。

5.The milk industry is in the second industry category of the national economy , belongs to food manufacturing industry in light industry. 乳品加工業屬於國民經濟的第二產業範疇,是輕工業中食品工業的子工業----食品製造業的一部分。


I want to find a job in the publishing industry after graduation. - 我畢業後希望能找到出版類的工作。

Genetics is a whold new industry with huge market potential. - 基因是一門新興產業且擁有巨大的潛在市場。

The hi-tech industry attracts much venture capital. - 高科技產業吸引著許多風險投資。

The area of industry you wanted to get into is already at saturation point. - 你想進入的待業已經達到飽和點了。

I don't feel that industry should be dictated to by the government. - 我覺得那個行業不應該由政府來支配。

Do you think the clothing industry has bright future? - 你覺得服裝行業前景好嗎?

IT is no longer the growth industry it once was. - 信息科技業的增長不再像以前那樣快。

We need to promote light industry in this town. - 我們需要推動這個城市的輕工業發展。

The meat packing industry is developing fast. - 肉類加工業發展迅速。

The computer industry is booming. - 計算機業繁榮起來。

Is meat packing a big industry in your country? - 肉製品包裝在你的國家是大產業嗎?

In every rank, great or small, 'Tis industry supports us all. - 不論高的低的各級人士,所持的都是勤勞。

Modern industry is based on the conception of the maximum production at lowest cost, - 以最低成本獲取最多產品,

Many people in industry and the Services, who have practical experience of noise,regard any investigation of this question as a waste of time; - 在工業部門工作和在軍隊中服役的許多人對噪音有切身的體會,他們認為對這個問題進行調查是浪費時間,

The majority of people in the town want to encourage new industry in the area. - 城裡大多數人都希望促進這一地區工業的發展。


industry hygiene standard - 工業企業衛生標準

n. Showa Seiki Industry Co.,Ltd. - 昭和精機工業


石棉去除工業 - asbestos removal industry

n.化學工業 - chemical industry

n.中成藥製藥業 - Chinese patent medicine industry

藥品工業 - drug industry

n.飲食工業 - food and beverage industry

n.微生物工業 - microbilolgical industry

n.核工業,核危害 - nuclear industry

工業製藥 - pharmaceutical industry

n.鋼鐵工業廢水 - wastewater of steel industry

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