MeiXian 梅縣;梅州;MEIXIAN AIRPORT 梅縣機場 中國 MEI;
1.One of the world recognized standards of Hakka in Meizhou City, Guangdong Meixian the Hakka dialect. 其中,世界公認標準的客家話是廣東梅州市梅縣的客家話。
2.The mountain torrents Disaster within the range of Meixian County are mainly caused by rainstorm floods. 眉縣境內山洪災害主要由局地暴雨引發,以洪水災害為主。
3.Methods Information of the basic situation of the hygiene supervisor of Meixian county from 2003 to 2004 was collected and statistically analyzed. 目的分析梅縣2004年度衛生監督人員的基本狀況,為基層衛生監督工作決策提供依據。