cancel cross out dash out expurgation score out stroke out 刪去;cancel cross out dash out expurgation score out stroke out 刪去;carry out carry through follow out saw out seeing out 貫徹;cancel cross out dash out expurgation score out stroke out 刪去;crush out die extinguish go out put out quench slake went out wink 熄滅;
1.Howeer, as Teno later found out, this was 10 hours before the patient actually died, and the nurses told her that Oscar came back to sit with the dying patient 2 hours before she finally passed away. 然而,Teno隨後才知道,這時是離病人準確去世前10小時。護士告訴她說,在病人去世前2小時,Oscar返回了房間陪坐在病人身邊。
2.The beneficiary of Accidental Disability, In-patient, Out-patient and Critical Illness benefits is the insured him/her self. 殘疾保險金、醫療保險金及重大疾病保險金的受益人為被保險人本人;
3.Thereupon the Concourse on high addressed Me saying: '… Erelong shalt Thou behold with Thine own eyes what no Prophet hath beheld… Be patient, be patient. 此時,上天眾靈對我說:『……不久,禰將親眼目睹諸先知從未見過之事……禰須耐心,須耐心。』
4.It is life threatening to the patient and potentially life threatening to others if the patient gets homicidal. 如果患者變得有殺人傾向的話,就會對患者的生命造成威脅,也會對其他人的生命造成潛在威脅。
5.A good patient is very patient with their disease, so they patiently cooperate with their doctor. 一個好的病人對自己的疾病很有耐心,因此他們會耐心地跟醫生合作。