retributivism[ri'tribjutivizəm]n. [法律](認為刑罰是對罪犯造成的損害的一種報復行為的)報復主義;懲罰主義
1.The essential contention of retributivism is that punishment is only justified by guilt. 報應主義的實質內容即懲罰唯一的正當根據在於有罪。
2.Thus it is not surprising that retributivism is sometimes characterized as the vindictive theory of punishment. 因此報應主義具有懲罰的報復主義色彩並不令人吃驚。
3.At any rate the first principle of retributivism is that it is necessary that a man be guilty if he is to be punished. 至少,報應主義的首要原則是,如果一個人應受到懲罰,那麼,他有罪便是必要的。