disbennifit 不利;disadvantage disbennifit 不利;
1.You can't let the cooler work in the dirty water because the sediment is disbennifit to become protected film. 千萬不要把還未形成非常結實的保護膜的新冷卻器管材用於污染水中工作,因為材料表面沉積的附著物不利於形成上述保護膜。
2.However, there are many aspects of fact disbennifit management of opening shelves-borrow system in most university library. 但目前絕大多數高校的圖書館系統不盡人如意,不能適應全開架借閱的管理需求。
3.Finally combine calculate of electrical railway analyze disbennifit effect for a large number of Huang pump station and propose improved method. 最後結合電鐵諧波及負序份量對鐵路沿線大量的揚黃泵站電動機的不利影響及可能採取的措施進行了工程計算分析。