IVECOn. 依維科(意大利汽車品牌)
IVECO 依維柯;依維科;伊韋科牌載重汽車;歐霸;IVECO FIAT 伊維科·菲亞特;iveco acco 澳洲國產重卡;redundantorpa iveco traint 虛約束;虛束縛;IVECO auto parts 依維科汽配;
1.Moto parts major in Iveco fitting, C. V boot, flasher, Distributor cap, Gasket and so on. 汽配方面主要有白金、防塵套、閃光器、汽缸墊等。
2.Personal comprehend iveco amer loan is referred to the RMB loan provided to the borrower by the bank, used for designated concrete co umption. 個人綜合消費貸款是銀行向借款人發放的用於指定消費用途的人民幣貸款。
3.It has Iveco chassis, on which temperature-controlled enclosed van is mounted. In the van, emergency medical devices such as emergency respirator, defibrillation monitor, etc. are installed. 採用依維柯底盤,上裝保溫型封閉廂體,車廂內裝有急救呼吸機、除顫監護儀等急救醫療設備;