kerbsn. 克雷布斯(姓氏)
kerbs 克雷布斯;kerbs cycle 氏循環;枸櫞酸循環;克氏循環;Rachel Kerbs 芮秋柯布絲;Kerbs m 螃蟹;Diethart Kerbs 柯柏斯;
1.All the other kerbs are still there. 其餘的路肩都還在那裡。
2.We have a mix of slow and fast corners, plus of course you need to attack the kerbs very aggressively - and the car needs to cope with that. 我們會碰到一系列低速和高速的彎道,當然你還要非常頻繁地利用路肩,賽車應該能夠應付這種情況。
3.Besides being hard on engines and brakes, Imola is also hard on chassis as the secret to a fast lap time is to hammer the car over the high kerbs. 除了對引擎和剎車有嚴峻考驗之外,伊莫拉也對底盤有著很高的要求。跑出快速單圈的秘訣在於要讓賽車騎上高高的路肩。