





osmotic[ɔz'mɔtik, ɔs-]adj. [物]滲透性的,滲透的


osmotic 滲透的;滲透的,滲透性的;滲透性的;滲透性;osmotic value 滲透值;滲透價;osmotic equilibrium 滲透平衡;滲透均衡;釋義:滲透(壓)平衡;osmotic diuretic 滲透壓性利尿劑;釋義:滲透壓性利尿劑;滲壓性利尿藥;osmotic work 滲透功;釋義:滲透功;


1.Osmotic regulation ability is an essential character for plants to salt tolerance. 滲透調節能力是植物耐鹽性的最基本特徵之一。

2.This thesis focused on the warping soil consolidation mechanism under osmotic pressure as to blanket cracks disposal in earth dam. 針對土壩粘土鋪蓋裂縫的淤填處理問題,對淤填粘土在滲壓作用下的固結機理進行了研究。

3.The preparation in osmotic swelling and the application performances of hollow latex particle in electrophoretic display ware mainly discussed in this study. 本文研究的主要內容為以滲透溶漲法制備中空乳膠粒子,並研究其在電泳顯示方面的應用性能。


osmotic pressure of body fluid - 體液滲透壓

urine osmotic pressure test - 尿滲透壓測定

mean osmotic fragility - 平均滲透脆性

crystal osmotic pressure; crystalloid osmotic pressure - 晶體滲透壓

effective osmotic pressure - 有效滲透壓

capillary osmotic pressure - 毛細血管滲透壓

osmoreceptor; osmotic receptor - 滲壓感受器

osmotic value - 滲透值

osmotic shock - 滲透劇度

osmotic work - 滲透功

osmotic pressure - 滲透壓

osmotic shock released antigen - 滲透壓休克釋放抗原

osmotic pressure gradient - 滲透壓力差

osmotic pressure gardient; osmotic pressure gradient - 滲透壓梯度

osmotic injector - 滲透壓注射器

osmotic mutant - 滲透壓突變體

osmotic pressure codfficient - 滲透壓係數

osmotic regulation - 滲透壓調節

osmotic quotient - 滲透商

osmotic equilibrium - 滲透平衡

osmotic equivalent - 滲透當量

osmotic diuresis - 滲透性利尿

osmotic diuretic - 滲透性利尿藥

osmotic hemolysis - 滲透性溶血

osmotic resistance - 滲透抵抗

osmotic gradient - 滲透梯度

osmotic concentration - 滲透濃度

osmotic phenomenon - 滲透現象

osmotic coefficient; permeability coefficient - 滲透係數

osmotic energy - 滲透能

osmotic fragility - 滲透脆性

osmotic fragility test - 滲透脆性試驗

osmotic resistance - 滲透阻力

osmotic fragility test - 紅細胞滲透性脆性試驗

osmotic fragility - 紅細胞滲透脆性

colloid osmotic pressure; colloidal pressure - 膠體滲透壓

colloid osmotic pressure - 血清膠體滲透壓

plasma osmotic pressure - 血漿滲透壓

plasma osmotic pressure determination - 血漿滲透壓測定

plasma colloid osmotic pressure - 血漿膠體滲透壓

decrease of plasma colloid osmotic pressure - 血漿膠體滲透壓下降


n.毛細血管滲透壓 - capillary osmotic pressure

膠質浸透壓 - colloid osmotic press

n.膠體滲透壓,血清膠體滲透壓 - colloid osmotic pressure

n.晶體滲透壓 - crystal osmotic pressure

n.晶體滲透壓 - crystalloid osmotic pressure

n.血漿膠體滲透壓下降 - decrease of plasma colloid osmotic pressure

n.有效滲透壓 - effective osmotic pressure

n.等滲的 - iso osmotic

n.平均滲透脆性 - mean osmotic fragility

n.血漿膠體滲透壓 - plasma colloid osmotic pressure

n.血漿滲透壓 - plasma osmotic pressure

n.血漿滲透壓測定 - plasma osmotic pressure determination

n.尿滲透壓測定 - urine osmotic pressure test

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