phcabbr. 原發性肝癌(Primary Hepatocellular Carcinoma);初級衛生保健(Primary Health Care);熱解烴(Pyrolysis Hydrocarbon )
phc 殘殺威;熱解烴;Primary Health Care;原發性肝癌;PHC Standard 殘殺威標準品;PHC Valeo 平和法雷奧;phc Markov 過程;AssistantProgrammeOfficer-PHC 助理初級保健方案幹事;
1.To solve the problem of splitting at the heads of PHC piles, polypropylene fibers are mixed into concrete, which are of obvious effect. 為解決PHC管樁樁頂碎裂問題,在混凝土中摻入了聚丙烯纖維,其作用和效果很明顯。
2.We made two different kinds of PhC micro-cavity at one device to fabricate the Laser which can output two wavelengths at the same time. 最後,同時製作兩個不同共振波長的微共振腔,做出一個可以同時輸出兩波長的雷射。
3.Photonic crystal (PhC) is the material in which the refractive index changes periodically and have a band structure for the photon energy, this structure can control light. 光子晶體是由反射率週期性變化的材料所構成,會形成光子能帶,是一種可以控制光的結構。