slickest[slik]adj. 光滑的;有光澤的圓滑的,油滑的;口齒伶俐的狡猾的,狡黠的,詭詐的滑的,滑溜溜的精巧的,巧妙的;技術嫻熟的,靈巧的(賽車車胎)花紋磨光的,磨平的(牧區牲畜)未烙印的,野的[口語]徒有虛名的,華而不實的;膚淺的[俚語]極好的,一流的adv. 平滑地;潤滑地;圓滑地熟練地,靈活地,巧妙地直接;恰好vt. 使平滑,使光滑,使光亮: 例句:to slick the plank with a plane用刨子刨光木板to be slicked by painting漆得光淨明亮[美國口語]打扮,裝扮;修飾(up): 例句:to slick oneself up打扮起來to slick the room up把房間裝飾一番【制革】用刮刀刮(皮革等)【美國歷史】經治安委員會批准後懲處vi. 滑動,平滑地移動: 例句:to slick along the chute沿滑道滑行打扮整齊,修飾(up): 例句:She slicked up and waited for him.她打扮整齊等著他的到來。短語: (as) slick as a whistle 見 whistleas slick as nothing at all 見 nothing
slickest 最油滑;
1.I'm telling you, Nim, this is big-time, and the job's the slickest I've seen. 我告訴你,尼姆,這是個第一流的,這麼巧妙的手藝我還從未見過。
2.sidewalks slick with ice; roads are slickest when rain has just started and hasn't had time to wash away the oil. 因結冰而光滑的人行道;當雨剛開始下還沒有時間把油沖走的時候,道路是最光滑的。
3.The slickest shades are deep green and burnt red, the coolest cloth is fake pony skin and the smartest shapes are fitted. Go wild and get leathered up. 漂亮的圖案就是深綠色伴著火焰般燃燒的紅色。最酷的面料就是彷小清馬或是鼬皮,最時髦的款式就是'合身'。趕快去收集皮草吧。註釋。