Assyriologyn. 亞述學;亞述研究
Assyriology 亞述研究;亞述學;
1.Assyriology now applies to a much wider field: the study of all the civilizations in Mesopotamia and all related questions. 亞述學現在運用於更加廣泛的領域:對美索不達米亞的所有文明和所有相關問題的研究。
2.Assyriology rests on information from archeological excavations on the one hand and on the study of written documents by philologists on the other hand. 亞述學一方面是有賴於來自考古挖掘的信息,另一方面是語言學者對書寫文獻的研究。
3.The branch of science dealing with the study of ancient civilizations in the Near East is called 'Assyriology', named after an Assyrian empire uncovered by the first archeological excavations. 涉及對近東古文明研究的科學分支就稱為「亞述學」,是以考古學上首先被挖掘的亞述帝國來命名。