decinen. 癸炔
decine 癸炔;decine decyne 癸炔;E il numero degli eserciti della cavalleria era di venti migliaia di decine di migliaia 馬兵的數目有二萬萬;他們這個數目我聽見了。;
1.Cobblestone specifiche: Ji Jin decine di tonnellate. 鵝卵石的規格:幾斤之幾十噸。
2.During the period, the Byzantione Empire began to decine. In 1190, Albania became a feudal state. 在此斯間,拜占庭帝國逐漸衰落,1190年阿爾巴尼亞建立封建制公國。
3.He can find faults with the goods even if he is quite satisfied with them, he must still pretend to be unsatisfied with them, so that he can successfully make the price decine to its minimum. 他可以挑剔商品的毛病,儘管他對商品非常滿意,他還是必須假裝對它們不太滿意,這樣他能成功地使價格降到最低點。