jigglingn. 振動;抖動v. 急速移動;抖動;輕搖(jiggle的ing形式)
jiggling 振動;輕搖;
1.A typically metal fishing lure with one or more hooks, usually deployed with a jiggling motion on or near the bottom. 擬餌手''。'釣'。''''。'鉤'。'',滾''。'鉤'。''通常有一個或多個鉤子的金屬釣魚''。'鉤'。'',在底部或底部周圍裝有一個跳動的物體。
2.Now imagine this great drop of water with all of these jiggling particles, stuck together and tagging along with each other. 現在想像這個大水滴是由所有這些跳動的粒子一個換一個地粘合起來的。
3.With the exception of that strange overtime in Game 4, Bryant deferred to his teammates when his back was aching or his jump shot was jiggling, and his teammates responded. 在第4場奇怪的加時賽中,科比後背受傷,跳投打鐵,科比把重任交到他的隊友手中,他們也很好的做出了回應——勝利結尾。