Laurent Divers 洛朗·迪韋爾;Laurent Chalet 樓宏夏磊;Laurent Graff 葛哈弗;羅宏·葛哈弗;葛拉弗;Laurent 勞倫特;羅朗;洛朗;羅倫;Laurent Sagart 沙加爾;薩加爾;
1.In 1961, when Mr Saint Laurent set up shop in Paris under his own name, most couturiers were not quite like this. 1961年,那時的大部分時裝設計師們都不以自己的名字來開辦時裝店,而聖洛朗卻用自己的名字在巴黎開設了一家時裝公司。
2.Laurent: But, he's got unparalleled sense, absolutely lethal. 勞倫:但是,他有著無比的嗅覺,絕對的致命。
3.Liverpool scout) Laurent Viaud has often seen him playing. Liverpool have been following him since last season. 利物浦的球探維奧德經常觀看他的比賽,利物浦上賽季就開始追蹤他了。
4.China has rejected an offer from the long-time partner of French fashion icon Yves Saint Laurent to return two imperial bronze statues to Beijing if it agrees to protect human rights. 中國拒絕了法國時裝大師伊夫。聖洛朗的長期夥伴向中國提出的如果中國同意保護人權,就把兩個皇家獸首銅像歸還北京的建議。
5.Laurent Perrier, the pushiest, raised its average prices by 5% in 2006-07 and by 9% during the second and third quarters of 200
8. 羅蘭百悅是提價最高的香檳產商,2006年到2007年,將均價提高5%,僅2008年二三季度間就提高了9%。