opinesv. 以為;持…意見(opine的第三人稱單數)
Opines 冠癭鹼;認為;
1.And some of them don't like me -- I understand that -- some of the writers and the, you know, opines and all that. 但他們中的一些人,不喜歡我--- 我知道這一點 ---
2.Further excavations are necessary to determine the stratigraphic relation between the implements and the hominid remains, Klein opines. 克萊恩認為,有必要到洞裡進一步挖掘,釐清石器與人骨的層位關係。
3."My view is that most people around the world, they respect America and some of them don't like me, some of the writers and opines and all that, " he said. 「我認為世界上絕大多數人,他們尊重美國,他們中有一些人不喜歡我,一些作家和有想法的人和所有人中一些人,」他說。