pogroms['pɔɡrəm, pəu'ɡrɔm]vt. 對…大屠殺n. 大屠殺
1.a city pogromed in war 在戰爭中遭受大屠殺的城市
2.We will not have to escape the pogroms of Eastern Europe as her great-grandfather, my father, did. 她不會像她曾祖父---也就是我父親那樣,在東歐大屠殺中顛沛流離。
3.Lispector was born in Ukraine to a family still reeling from the pogroms and plagues that followed the first world war and the creation of the Soviet Union. 裡斯蓓克特出生於烏克蘭的一個家庭,至今這個家庭仍遭受著一戰以及蘇聯建立所引發的大屠殺與災難的折磨。