siege-works['sidʒwə:ks]n. 攻城設施
siege-works 攻城設施;
1.Decades later, he because "Abbey Chronicle, " "History of the siege of Lisbon" and "blind" and other works by the world-renowned. 幾十年後,他因為《修道院紀事》《里斯本圍困史》和《盲目》等作品而享譽世界。
2.Therefore, thus says the LORD concerning the king of Assyria: 'He shall not reach this city, nor shoot an arrow at it, nor come before it with a shield, nor cast up siege-works against it. 為此,上主問亞述王這樣說:他決不會進入這城,決不會向這城放射一箭,決不會持盾臨於城下,也決不會起造土堆攻城。
3.The network has just set up a two-year, two already have its own R &D network game works: "Yingjie troubled times", "Iron and Steel siege" and will be the end of 2008 to 2009 respectively. 這家剛剛成立兩年的網游公司,旗下已經擁有兩款自主研發的網絡遊戲力作:《亂世英傑》、《鋼鐵圍攻》,並將在2008年底至2009年分別推出。