n. staph ,staphylococci
staphylococcus[,stæfiləu'kɔkəs]n. 葡萄球菌
Staphylococcus 葡萄球菌;葡萄球菌屬;葡萄狀球菌;菌屬;Staphylococcus epidermidis 表皮葡萄球菌;葡萄球菌;表皮葡萄菌球;Staphylococcus kloosii 克氏葡萄球菌;Staphylococcus auricularis 耳葡萄球菌;葡萄球菌;釋義:耳葡萄球菌;Staphylococcus intermedius 中間葡萄球菌;
1.Objective: To Study the antitussive effects of phenylalanine extract of Staphylococcus albus . 目的:研究白色葡萄球菌苯丙氨酸提取物的鎮咳作用。
2.It has restraining function of Golden yellow staphylococcus, bacillus out of shape colon bacillus. 對金黃葡萄球菌,變形桿菌、大腸桿菌等有一定的抑製作用。
3.The results indicate that mulberry red pigment has strong inhibitory effects on E. coli and weak effects on Staphylococcus aureus and Bacillus subtilis, but has no effect on fungi and yeast. 實驗表明,桑椹紅色素對大腸桿菌有較強的抑製作用,對金黃色葡萄球菌和枯草芽孢桿菌的抑製作用較弱,而對黴菌和酵母菌幾乎沒有抑製作用。
anhemolytic staphylococcus; staphylococcus angemolyticus - 不溶血性葡萄球菌
staphylococcus citreus - 檸檬色葡萄球菌
staphylococcus cereus citreus - 檸檬色蠟狀葡萄球菌
staphylococcus pyogenes citreus - 檸檬色釀膿葡萄球菌
staphylococcus pyogenes albus - 白色化膿性葡萄球菌
micrococcus albus; staphylococcus albus - 白色細球菌
staphylococcus albus - 白色葡萄球菌
coccus bacteriohage; staphylococcalphage; staphylococcus phage - 葡萄球菌噬菌體
staphylococcus antitoxin - 葡萄球菌抗毒素
staphylococcus enterotoxin b - 葡萄球菌腸毒素B
staphylococcus enterotoxin b - 葡萄球菌腸毒素b
staphylococcus enterotoxin poisoning - 葡萄球菌腸毒素中毒
staphylococcus enterotoxn food poisoning - 葡萄球菌腸毒素食物中毒
staphylococcal pneumonia; staphylococcus pneumonia; staphylocooccal pneumonia - 葡萄球菌肺炎
staphylococcus epidermidis - 表皮葡萄球菌
staphylococcus aureus - 金黃色葡萄球菌
staphylococcus aureus arthritis - 金黃色葡萄球菌性關節炎
staphylococcus aureus enteritis - 金黃色葡萄球菌腸炎
n.不溶血性葡萄球菌 - anhemolytic staphylococcus
醫院葡萄球菌 - hospital staphylococcus
耐性黃色葡萄球菌 - Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus