Cognitive Strategy and Metacognitive Strategy 第二節 認知策略與元認知策略;going global strategy and bringing-in strategy 引進來和走出去」戰略;Cognitive Strategy and Metacognitive Strategy 第二節 認知策略與元認知策略;accessing strategy 存取策略;acquisitions strategy 爭取策略;
1.Including: product line expansion strategy, brand expansion strategy, multi-brand strategy, brand marketing strategy to update the four strategies. 包括:產品線擴展戰略、品牌擴展戰略、多品牌戰略、品牌更新戰略四種營銷戰略。
2.Waiting strategy, circuity strategy and greedy strategy and their competitive ratios are given base on blockages only happening on a road. 對於堵塞只發生在一條路徑上的特殊道路交通網絡,給出了等待策略、迂迴策略、貪婪策略及其競爭性能比。
3.The strategies for different stages may be very different and the strategy "a Roland for an Oliver" is not always an optimal strategy; 發展中國家與發達國家在不同時期裡各自的最優策略是不同的,「以牙還牙」的策略並非最優策略;
4.At first , leading of study theoretical my article summarize strategy of study and expatiate signification of strategy of study in putting examination-oriented education practice of process. 本文首先在學習理論的指導下,對學習策略做以概述,並闡述了在實施素質教育的過程中,研究學習策略的意義。
5."Political poetry" recount strategy and other recount strategies are familiarly to recount strategy. 「政治詩意化」等敘事是常見的敘事策略。
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