volo 伏洛羊毛;伏羅;伏洛羊毛(希臘);IL VOLO 飛翔 (改編自拉赫曼尼諾夫《無言歌》);伊爾沃勒吧;飛翔 (改編自拉赫曼尼諾夫[無言歌]);伏羅;T Volo 古典搖滾;Emere volo librum 我喜歡買書;Volo-GM 沃爾沃通用;
1.On the bases of energetics principle and experimental results, the following function of the mean volo-city of the phloem transportation was developed:(? 在力能學原理和實驗結果的基礎上,導出了韌皮部運輸平均速度的數學表達式:(?
2.your tale does not turn into some tawdry bundle of lies existing solely to titillate the common reader , perhaps your relation of 's tale will have some merit, Volo. 只要你記載的事跡不要變成純粹為了娛樂大眾寫的一籮筐卑賤謊言,也許你所寫的傳會有些優點,瓦羅。
3.So long as your tale does not turn into some tawdry bundle of lies existing solely to titillate the common reader, perhaps your relation of 's tale will have some merit, Volo. 只要你記載的事跡不要變成純粹為了娛樂大眾寫的一籮筐卑賤謊言,也許你所寫的傳會有些優點,瓦羅。