zinebn. [化]代森鋅(一種農業用有機硫殺菌劑)
zineb 代森鋅;鋅乃浦;鋅乃浦;代森鋅(鋅乃浦、代森猛);Parzate zineb 代森鋅;代森鋅(殺菌劑);Chem zineb 代森鋅殺菌劑;Zineb Standard 代森鋅標準品;
1.Other bulk drugs e. g. Amobam, Dichlorvos and Zineb are suitable to export to ASEAN. 代森銨原藥、敵敵畏原藥、代森鋅原藥也很適合出口東盟。
2.The laboratory and field tests indicated that carbendazim and zineb are fungicides effective in controlling the disease, while triadimefon is not effective. 通過室內和田間藥劑篩選,明確了多菌靈和代森鋅是防治北沙參銹病的有效藥劑,粉銹寧對北沙參銹病無效;
3.The use of 75% of daconil solution, 50% of badistan solution, 1000× solution of mildothane, 65% of zineb solution, 50% of metalaxyl solution or 500×liquid spray had favorable effect above 90%. 使用75%百菌清、50%多菌靈和50%甲基托布津的1000×液,65%代森鋅、50%甲霜銅的500×液噴霧,對雲杉落針病的林間防治效果均可達到90%以上;