bread-and-butter['bredən'bʌtə]adj. 實用的,基本的;生計的;青年期的
bread-and-butter 實用的;bread-and-butter cotton 中等棉;中等棉(美);Bread-and-butter plate 麵包碟;黃油麵包碟;麵包、牛油盤;k bread-and-butter letter 感謝信;applied banausic bread-and-butter 實用的;
1.Yes, when I got home, I wrote a bread-and-butter letter thanking her for the wonderful party we've ever had. 有,到家之後我就給她寫了一封很真誠的感謝信,這是我們度過的最開心的晚會了。
2.But voters, though distracted by scandal, are likely to be as concerned by bread-and-butter issues, such as the economy. 對於選民而言,目光固然會被醜聞吸引,但相比較之下,卻是麵包和黃油之類的民生大計。
3.Coalition forces, we're taking prudent precautionary measures and focusing on our bread-and-butter operation, which is maritime security operations in the Gulf, on these possible threats. 聯軍正在採取謹慎的預警措施並集中注意力在基本行動上,即對可能的威脅而在海灣地區採取的海上安全行動。