hamamatsun. 濱松(日本本洲島中南部城市)
Hamamatsu 濱松;濱松;濱松市;濱松;Hamamatsu Station 濱松驛;濱松站;濱松車站;Saki Hamamatsu 濱松笑;濱松;Hamamatsu Castle 濱松城堡圖片;Hamamatsu Photonics 濱松光子技術;濱松光電;濱松光子;
1.Eel extract is also used in cookies and pies made in Japan's biggest eel producing town, Hamamatsu. 在日本最大產鰻區濱松市,鰻魚精也被用於製作餅乾及派。
2.Ma-Hamamatsu site is a three rivers cross the plains, about 150 meters East and West, North and South width of 100 meters. 馬家濱遺址是一個三河交叉的平原,東西長約150米,南北寬約100米。
3.Ltd. took the fall on this hot land for the southwest - thriving, the unlimited business opportunities in the Songjiang District Hamamatsu new high-tech industrial park. 上海雅森洗滌設備有限公司就座落在這塊熱土的西南—人氣興旺,商機無限的松江區新濱高新工業園區。