hepar['hi:pɑ:]n. [解]肝
hepar 肝(髒);肝 肝臟;肝 肝臟;釋義:(拉)肝臟,肝,肝制劑,肝樣的;hepar sulfuris 硫化鉀,五水;hepar reaction 硫肝反應;hepar sulfuris reaction 硫肝反應;first pass effect of hepar 肝首過效應;
1.Hepar insists to small , to wrap up a film not only entire a bit , liver area echo increases rude. 肝臟稍微偏小,包膜不光整,肝區回聲增粗。
2.The centroacinar cells and islet of langerhans of pancreas are poorly developed. The lobulation is not distinct in hepar and pancreas. 肝臟中色素細胞發達並含大量深色顆粒,胰臟泡心細胞較少且胰島不發達,肝臟小葉和胰臟小葉界限不清晰。
3.The common adverse reactions in clinic are hepar and renal functional lesion, cordis damage, bone marrow depressions anaemias alopecia and infecting et al. 臨床上常見的副作用有,胃腸道反應,肝腎功能損害、心臟損害,骨髓抑制、貧血、脫髮、感染等。
hepar lobatum; lobulated liver - 分葉肝
hepar induratum - 肝硬結
hepar siccatum - 肝粉
fatty liver; hepar adiposum - 脂肪肝