merchandizingn. 商品化形象;商品化;推銷v. 經營;推銷(merchandize的ing形式)
merchandizing 商品化;merchandizing enterprising 商業企業;Retail Merchandizing 以及零售商品採購;Merchandizing Right 商品化權;Packaging and merchandizing make vegetables comparable to fast food for many people 包裝公司將蔬菜與快餐食品同樣處理;
1.E-commerce services covering ticketing, tourism, merchandizing, shopping, projects tendering, and procurement will also be provided. 開展電子商務,為奧運會提供票務、旅遊、紀念品、購物、項目招投標、採購等方面服務;
2.A further significant factor is the company's concentration on its code business processes: prim design, production and merchandizing. 另一重大因素是,公司對其核心產業經營過程的關注,即對產品設計、生產和促銷的關注。
3.Famous fictional characters embody giant commercial appeal, which can be transformed into merchandizing symbol of significant distinctiveness and advertisement value. 知名虛擬角色蘊含巨大號召力和吸引力,通過商業化開發可以成為極富顯著性和廣告價值的商業符號。