a. contemporary
present-day['prezənt'dei]adj. 現代的;當今的;現在的;現時的
present-day 現代的,現在的;現在的;現代的;今日的;present-day mill 現代化軋機;present-day fuel 現用燃料;present-day alluvial fan 現代沖積扇;observe the present-day world 觀察當今世界;察看該古世界;
1.Present-day Oriental astrologers claim that children born during Dragon Years enjoy health, wealth, and long life. 現在東方諸國的占星家宣稱在龍年期間出生的孩子享受健康,財富和長壽。
2.The present-day large scale production processes of these products are essentially scaled up versions of former domestic arts. 目前的這些產品的大規模生產過程完全是以前的家庭式生產方式的放大形式。
3.Neurohumoral processes of the brain are immensely intriguing to present-day research men, who expect to find in them the key to the most complex phenomena. 大腦的神經元介質過程激起了目前研究人員極大的興趣,他們期望在這些過程中找到解決最複雜現象的答案。
that twenty or thirty pages of ideas and information would be capable of turning the present-day world upside down, or even destroying it. - 二三十頁材料中的思想和情報會使當今的世界天翻地覆,甚至毀滅這個世界。
but of course I cannot do so because I am a prisoner of the present-day world, - 不過我是做不到的,因為我和你們大家一樣,