sadistically['seidizəm]adv.sadism的變形n. 【精神病學】性虐待狂[參較 masochism]施虐狂極度殘暴
1.And in this damp aisle there were no treasure chests, but rather three mean looking men, who glared at him sadistically. 在這條潮濕的通道裡並沒有財寶箱,卻有三個看上去卑鄙邪惡的人,用兇惡殘忍的眼神看著他。
2.Candy smiles sadistically from ear to ear. The dog turns towards her and GROWLS, baring his fangs. Her smile disappears. Dog BARKS. 凱蒂高興地笑得合不攏嘴。狗朝她走去,嗚嗚叫著,露出尖尖的犬牙。她臉上的笑消失了。狗狂吠起來。
3.Archimonde was certain that the Legion's victory was inevitable, and so he took his time, sadistically toying with Jarod, slowly beating him to death. 阿克蒙德確信燃燒軍團的勝利已不可逆轉,所以他並不著急,喪心病狂的戲弄迦洛德,慢慢把他弄死。