compose the social welfare mechanism of farmer requisitioned of its land in the course of urbanization 下一篇論文: 論城市化進程中被征地農民保障機制的構建——以浦東新區唐鎮為例;Study on the Pension Security of Land-requisitioned Farmers in the Progress of Urbanization in Shanghai Suburb 下一篇論文: 上海郊區城市化進程中失地農民養老保障問題研究;urbanization 城市化;都市化;城鎮化;城市化 都市化;Sub urbanization 郊區化;industrial urbanization 工業城市化;
1.The revelations include: 1 Concomitancy of industrialization and urbanization is an impersonal rule and industrialization, service sector and economic growth are groundwork of the urbanization; 這些啟示包括:1工業化伴隨城鎮化不以人們意志為轉移的客觀規律,城鎮化的根基是工業化、服務業和經濟的發展;
2.Urbanization: Mr. QIU Baoxin, deputy head of NDRC, said on Friday that China will see large scale urbanization construction to continue for another 30-35 years. (Source: Beijing Times. 城市化進程:住房和城鄉建設部(原文誤為發改委)副部長仇保興週五稱,中國大規模的建設還會持續30年至35年。(來源:京華時報)
3.Now, there are lower urbanization level, feeblish heartland and lacking establishment in our urbanization construction. 目前,我國城市化建設面臨城市化水平偏低、中心城市偏弱、基礎設施不足等問題。
4.Politburo of the content of this collective learning arrangements abroad urbanization and the development of model road of urbanization with Chinese characteristics. 中共中央政治局這次集體學習安排的內容是國外城市化發展模式和中國特色的城鎮化道路。
5.Analyzing the different mode of influence of urbanization on land use and the law of land use changes in the process of urbanization.
5. 分析不同城鎮化模式對土地利用問題的影響及城鎮化過程中土地利用變化規律。
urbanization of population - 人口城市集中