





n. stylostixis


acupuncture['ækju,pʌŋktʃə, ,ækju'pʌŋktʃə]vt. 對…施行針刺療法n. 針刺;針刺療法


acupuncture 針術;針灸;針刺術;針刺;acupuncture needle 針灸針;灸針;針]灸針;釋義:針灸針,毫針,針術(用)針;acupuncture anesthesia 針刺麻醉;釋義:針剌麻醉;針刺麻醉,針麻;acupuncture point 穴位;穴道;釋義:穴位;腧穴;acupuncture therapy 針刺療法;針灸療法;針灸治療;針刺(灸)療法;


1.I suggest you have a course of acupuncture. 我建議你做一個療程的針灸治療。

2.More and more foreigners learn Chinese is because of Chinese acupuncture. 越來越多外國人學習華語是因為中國的針灸。

3.After 35 days, the acupuncture group were able to stand at a steeper incline than the others and walk better. 35天後,比較其它組的大鼠,針刺組能夠在陡峭的斜面上站立、行走得也更好。


an outine of chinese acupuncture and moxibustion - 中國針灸學概要

five ancient acupuncture methods; five ancient needling techniques - 五刺

body acupuncture anesthesia - 體針麻醉

lip acupuncture analgesia - 唇針麻醉

head acupuncture anesthesia; scalp acupuncture anesthesia - 頭針麻醉

hand acupuncture anesthesia; hand-acupuncture anesthesia - 手針麻醉

guide acupuncture and moxibstion treatment - 指導針灸治療

twirlingthe acupuncture needle - 捻轉法

twirling the acupuncture needle - 捻針

new acupuncture therapy - 新針療法

hydro-acupuncture therapy; hydro-acupuncture therapyion; liquid acupuncture therapy - 水針

acupuncture with heated needles - 火針法

electrical acupuncture anesthesia - 電針麻醉

acupoint; acupuncture point - 穴位

acupuncture of a point - 穴位針刺

detector of channel and acupuncture point - 經絡經穴探測儀

acupuncture point of the collateral channels; collateral points - 絡穴

auriculo-acupuncture anesthesia; ear acupuncture anesthesia - 耳針麻醉

tongue acupuncture therapy - 舌針療法

foot acupuncture therapy - 足針

adjunct acupuncture points - 配穴

an aacupunct re needle; an acupuncture needle; gold acupuncture needle; gold needle or metal needle used for acupuncture; gold needle used for acupuncture - 金針

acupuncture; needling; needling or acupuncture or needle insertion; n. needle punch - 針刺

combined acupuncture anesthesia - 針刺復合麻醉

acupuncture instrument - 針刺工具

acupuncture effect - 針刺效果

acupuncture apparatus - 針刺治療儀

laser acupuncture set - 針刺激光裝置

acupuncture therapy - 針刺療法

einforing and reducing in acupuncture therapy; reniforcing and reducing in acupuncture therapy - 針刺補瀉

acupuncture analgesia; pain-relieving by acupuncture - 針刺鎮痛

acupncture anesthesia; acupuncture anesthesia; anaesthetization acupuncture - 針刺麻醉

acupuncture manipulation; acupuncture therapy; needling technique - 針法

acupuncture and moxibustion - 針灸

acupuncturist; doctor of acupuncture and moxibustion - 針灸醫生

acupuncture and moxibustion therapy; acupunture therapy - 針灸治療

selection of acupuncture points - 針灸選穴

acupunc ture pin; acupuncture needle - 針灸針

bronze acupunctre figure; bronze state with acupuncture points - 針灸銅人

air acupuncture clinic - 針灸門診

acupuncture and moxibustion - 針灸

acupuncture and moxibustion therapy - 針灸治療

institute of acupuncture and moxibustion - 針灸研究所

experience on acupuncture and moxibustion therapy - 針灸資生經

bronze acupuncture figure - 針灸銅人

acupuncture analgesia; acupuncture anesthesia - 針麻

mechanism of acupuncture anesthesia - 針麻原理

acupuncture analgesia dolorimeter - 針麻測痛儀

acupuncture anesthesia induction - 針麻誘導

face acupuncture therapy; facio acupuncture; facioacupuncture - 面針


n.配穴 - adjunct acupuncture points

n.針灸門診 - air acupuncture clinic

n.金針 - an acupuncture needle

n.中國針灸學概要 - an outine of chinese acupuncture and moxibustion

n.針刺麻醉 - anaesthetization acupuncture

n.耳針療法 - auriculo acupuncture

n.體針 - body acupuncture

n.體針麻醉 - body acupuncture anesthesia

n.斷折針,折針 - breaking of the needle during acupuncture

n.針灸銅人 - bronze acupuncture figure

n.針灸銅人 - bronze state with acupuncture points

n.針刺復合麻醉 - combined acupuncture anesthesia

n.禁刺 - contraindicaiton in acupuncture

n.禁刺,刺禁 - contraindication in acupuncture

n.經絡經穴探測儀 - detector of channel and acupuncture point

n.針灸醫生 - doctor of acupuncture and moxibustion

n.耳針麻醉 - ear acupuncture anesthesia

n.針刺補瀉 - einforing and reducing in acupuncture therapy

n.電針術 - electric acupuncture

n.電針麻醉 - electrical acupuncture anesthesia

n.電針刺 - electro acupuncture

n.針灸資生經 - experience on acupuncture and moxibustion therapy

n.面針 - facio acupuncture

n.面針麻醉 - face acupuncture anesthesia

n.面針 - face acupuncture therapy

n.暈針 - fainting during acupuncture

n.針刺的手力,針刺的指力 - finger force of acupuncture

n.五刺 - five ancient acupuncture methods

n.足針 - foot acupuncture therapy

n.電針療法 - galvano acupuncture

n.金針 - gold acupuncture needle

n.金針 - gold needle or metal needle used for acupuncture

n.金針 - gold needle used for acupuncture

n.指導針灸治療 - guide acupuncture and moxibstion treatment

n.手針 - hand acupuncture

n.手針麻醉 - hand acupuncture anesthesia

n.頭針麻醉 - head acupuncture anesthesia

n.針灸研究所 - institute of acupuncture and moxibustion

n.鼻針 - knose acupuncture

n.唇針 - labial acupuncture

n.針刺激光裝置 - laser acupuncture set

n.唇針 - lip acupuncture

n.唇針麻醉 - lip acupuncture analgesia

n.水針 - liquid acupuncture therapy

n.耳針操作方法 - manipulation methods of ear acupuncture

n.針刺手法 - manipulation of acupuncture

n.針麻原理 - mechanism of acupuncture anesthesia

n.進針 - needle insertion in acupuncture

n.進針 - needle inxertion in acupuncture

n.針刺 - needling or acupuncture or needle insertion


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