adjusted actual 經調整的實數;調整後的實數責編:蟲 糾錯;調整後的實數 財經;經的實數;Adjusted 調整後的;調整過的;調整的;調整;adjusted loss 調整後的虧損;經調整的虧損;後的虧損;經的虧損;adjusted liabilities 調整後的負債;後的負債;調整後的;調整後的負債 財經;adjusted actual 經調整的實數;調整後的實數責編:蟲 糾錯;調整後的實數 財經;經的實數;
1.Conflicting claims to the Presidency must be amicably and peaceably adjusted, and that when so adjusted the general acquiescence of the nation ought surely to fellow. 總統職位之爭應本著友好、平和的原則予以調節,而且一旦這種調節、疏導的工作完成,全國上下就應該一致遵從。
2.Is disposition affective is adjusted? 性格是情感的磨合嗎?
3.The estimated useful lives and amortisation method of the intangible assets with finite useful life are reviewed, and adjusted if appropriate, at each financial year-end. 對使用壽命有限的無形資產的預計使用壽命及攤銷方法於每年年度終了進行覆核並作適當調整。
4.Without changing the period size, the frequency bandgap is varied when the length of the stretching strip is adjusted. 在不改變週期的情況下,通過調整伸長窄帶長度可以改變帶隙特性頻率。
5.Filling quantity of all pumps is adjusted in a lump, minim adjustable for each pump. Easy and quick operate. 裝量調整方便,可一次調整全部計量泵的填充量,也可針對各個計量泵進行微輻調整;操作簡便,調整快速。
He adjusted himself to the new life. - 他使自己適應了新的生活。
He adjusted very quickly to the heat of the country. - 他很快適應了這個國家的高溫。
adjusted death rate - 修正死亡率
adjusted rate; corrected rate - 修正率
adjusted infant mortality - 校正嬰兒死亡率
adjusted retention volume - 調整保留體積
adjusted retention time - 調整保留時間