fighter-bomber['faitə'bɔmə]n. 戰鬥轟炸機
fighter-bomber 殲擊轟炸機;殲擊轟炸航空兵;Mirage fighter-bomber 幻影式戰鬥轟炸機;fighter-bomber echelon 戰鬥機梯隊;戰鬥機梯隊採集者退散;Skyhawk fighter-bomber 天鷹式戰鬥轟炸機;
1.The new Chinese fighter-bomber today represents little threat to the Russian share of the fighter market. 中國的新型戰鬥轟炸機今天在分享戰機市場方面對俄國構成的威脅不大。
2.The new Chinese fighter-bomber will be a welcome addition to the PLAAF, considerably boosting the service's tactical offensive capabilities. 中國人的這種新型戰鬥轟炸機的服役將會受到中國人民解放軍空軍的熱烈歡迎,因為它在相當程度上增強了空軍的戰術攻擊能力。
3.Undaunted by what had happened in Goodwood, he was preparing to use every bomber and fighter-bomber that could fly in a crushing bombardment that would blast a hole in the German line. 基於跑馬場作戰中德軍表現出的勇敢無畏,他準備使用每一架能飛的轟炸機和戰鬥-轟炸機進行壓倒性轟炸,以期洞穿德軍戰線。