





n. lower berthv. depress ,get down ,lour ,turn down


v. bring up ,elevate ,get up ,lift


lowervt. 減弱,減少;放下,降下;貶低vi. 降低;減弱;跌落adj. 下游的;下級的;下等的


lower 轉換為小寫字母;較低的,下級的,下游的,降下,放低;降下;較低的;lower stripper 下脫料板;下脫料模;下脫料板lower limb 下肢,腿;下肢;下翼;下邊;lower segment 下部地層;下段;lower lip 下唇;下唇板;上唇;下嘴唇;


1.Lower the rope, and pull me in. 把繩子放下一點,把我拉進去。

2.Binding to lower the system volume. 降低系統音量的鍵綁定。

3.Can hibiscus tea lower blood pressure? 木槿花茶能降低血壓嗎?


What a price! Lower it, please? - 這麼高的價格!請降點。

We had expected much lower prices. - 我們希望報價再低一些。

They are still lower than the quotations you can get elsewhere. - 這些報價比其他任何地方都要低得多。

I can show you other quotations that are lower than yours. - 我可以把比貴公司報價低得多的價目表給你看看。

Our product is lower priced than the competition. - 我們產品價格低廉,具有競爭力。

The German quotation is lower than yours. - 德國報價比你們的低。

We are lucky in that only the lower fields, which make up a very small proportion of our farm, are effected by flooding, - 值得慶幸的是,只有低窪的受到洪水影響,而低窪地在我們農場比例很小。

One had winter we watched the river creep up the lower meadows. - 有一年冬天,天氣不好,我們眼看著河水浸沒了地勢較低的草場。

and we have to lower into the ground and haul out of the ground great lengths of drill pipe which are rotated by an engine at the top and are fitted with a cutting bit at the bottom. - 我們必須把很長的鑽桿一節節地鑽入地下,然後再從地下拉出來。鑽桿頂部安裝的發動機帶動鑽桿旋轉,它的底部裝有鑽頭。

The lower gun-ports were now below water and the inrush sealed the ship's fate. - 下層炮眼已淹沒在水裡,湧進船艙的水給瓦薩號帶來了難以逃脫的厄運。

and near its lower reaches there is a long tailing-off which is almost certainly the result of material transported out to deep water after being eroded from the continental masses. - 在這個地帶的低處是很長的一段尾沙地段,基本上可以斷定這個地段是大陸塊體上侵蝕下來的物質被水沖到深水處形成的。

How about taking the damaged portion at a lower price? - 損壞的那一部分就算便宜一點,如何?

We could make them lower for you. - 我們可以算你便宜一點。

We can make the price lower if you would order a bit more. - 如果你單子下多一點,我們可以減價。

The head office agreed to the lower price you asked for. - 總公司已同意你要求的較低價格。

Our product is lower priced than the competition. - 我們產品價格低廉,具有競爭力。

We had expected much lower prices. - 我們希望報價再低一些。

They are still lower than the quotations you can get elsewhere. - 這些報價比其他任何地方都要低得多。

I can show you other quotations that are lower than yours. - 我可以把比貴公司報價低得多的價目表給你看看。


compound fracture of upper and lower jaw - 上下頜聯合骨折

lower lingual segment of upper lobe; segmentum lingulare inferius lobi superioris - 上葉下舌段

upper stenosis and lower stenosis - 上膈下膈

n. lower critical cooling rate - 下臨界冷卻速度

lower elixir field - 下丹田

lower punch; n. undercut - 下衝

n. lower punch - 下衝模

medial basal segment of lower lobe - 下葉內基底段

lateral basal segment of lower lobe - 下葉前內基底段

posterior basal segement of lower lobe - 下葉後基底段

lateral basal segment of lower lobe - 下葉外基底段

posterior segment of lower lobe - 下葉背段

lower confluent point - 下合穴

lower respiratory tract - 下呼吸道

lower respiratory infection - 下呼吸道感染

labium inferius; lower lip - 下唇

ectropion of lower lip; eversion of lower lip - 下唇外翻

musculus quadratus labii inferioris; quadrate muscle of lower lip - 下唇方肌

lower labial fistula - 下唇瘺管

frenulum labii inferioris; frenulum of inferior lip; lower labial frenum - 下唇繫帶

numbness of lower lip - 下唇麻木

n. lower bolster - 下墊板

lower urinary tract - 下尿路

calculus of lower urinary tract - 下尿路結石

n. lower shoe - 下底板

disease in the lower part affecting the upper; disease ing the lower part affecting the upper - 下損及上

lower back cellulitislower back cellulitis - 下搭手

n. lower bolster - 下梁

lower segment; segmentum inferius - 下段

lower segment cesarean section - 下段剖腹產術

transverse lower segment cesarean section - 下段橫切口剖腹產術

lower urinary tract - 下泌尿道

lower urinary tract infection - 下泌尿道感染

diabetes involving the lower-jiao; diabetes of the kidn1ey type; lower emaciation - 下消

hemorrhage of lower digestive tract - 下消化道出血

lower jiao; lowerjiao; the lower warmer - 下焦

accumulation of fluid in the lower warmer - 下焦蓄水

lower eyelid; lowereyelid; palpebra inferior - 下瞼

lower orifice; lower orifices - 下竅

lower extremity; lower limb; membum inferius - 下肢

war injury of great vessels of lower limb - 下肢大血管戰傷

edema of lower extemity - 下肢浮腫

lymphatic edema of lower limb; lymphoedema of lower limb - 下肢淋巴水腫

phlebitis of deep vessels of lower extremities - 下肢深血管靜脈炎

ulcer of lower limb - 下肢潰瘍

skin traction of lower extremity - 下肢皮牽引

varcose vein of lower limb; varix of lower limb - 下肢靜脈曲張

lower limb phlebography; lower limb venography - 下肢靜脈造影

ossa membri inferioris; skeleton of lower limb - 下肢骨

lower nephron nephrosis - 下腎單位腎病


n.下焦蓄水 - accumulation of fluid in the lower warmer

n.急性下腹痛 - acute lower abdominal pain

n.承漿疔 - boil below the center of lower lip

下肢骨 - bones of the lower limb

n.下尿路結石 - calculus of lower urinary tract

n.少腹如扇 - cold feeling of the lower abdomen

n.上寒下熱 - cold in the upper and heat in the lower

n.上下頜聯合骨折 - compound fracture of upper and lower jaw

n.上虛下實 - deficiency in teh upper and excess in the lower

n.上虛下實 - deficiency in the upper and excess in the lower

n.下損及上 - disease in the lower part affecting the upper

n.下損及上 - disease ing the lower part affecting the upper

n.小腹滿 - distension of lower abdomen

n.下肢浮腫 - edema of lower extemity

n.轉胞 - dysuria with lower abdominal colic

n.下唇外翻 - ectropion of lower lip

n.股骨下端骨骺分離 - epiphysiolysis of lower end of femur

n.抽筋痧 - eruptive disease with spasm of lower limbs

n.腿游風 - erysipelas at the lower limbs

n.下唇外翻 - eversion of lower lip

n.上實下虛 - excess in the upper and deficiency in the lower

n.腳氣弱 - flaccidity of lower limbs

n.下腹脹氣 - flatulence in the lower abdomen

n.少腹滿 - fullness of the lower abdomen

n.少腹冷痛 - have cold-pain in the lower abdomen

n.上熱下寒 - heat in the upper and cold in the lower

n.下消化道出血 - hemorrhage of lower digestive tract

n.氣門傷 - injury of lower abdomen

n.下葉前內基底段,下葉外基底段 - lateral basal segment of lower lobe

n.心濁音界左下界 - left lower border of cardiac dullness

左下肢 - left lower extremity

左下葉 - left lower lobe

左下象限 - left lower quadrant

n.下肢淋巴水腫 - lymphatic edema of lower limb

n.下肢淋巴水腫 - lymphoedema of lower limb

n.目下弦 - margin of the lower eyelid

n.伏梁 - mass located in the upper or lower abdomen

n.下葉內基底段 - medial basal segment of lower lobe

n.下腹正中切口 - median incision of lower abdomen

n.下唇麻木 - numbness of lower lip

n.少腹 - outer part of the lower abdomen

n.少腹痛 - pain in the lower abdomen

n.腰腿痛 - pain in waist and lower extremities

n.下肢深血管靜脈炎 - phlebitis of deep vessels of lower extremities

n.腳氣 - placcidity of lower limbs

n.下葉後基底段 - posterior basal segement of lower lobe

n.下葉背段 - posterior segment of lower lobe

n.下唇方肌 - quadrate muscle of lower lip

n.右肺下葉切除術 - ressection of lower lobe of right lung

n.右下腹部 - right lower abdomen


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