a. unmade
made[meid]adj. 成功的;創造的v. 做,使,安排(make的過去式和過去分詞)
Made 命中;生產日期;西班牙;製造日期;made breakthroughs 取得突破;made block 組合滑車;組成滑車;組框滑車;customer made 定制服裝;客人創意;HOME MADE 卻說就像家裡做的一樣;色澤誘人的蜜汁烤排骨;家裡做的;自家制;
1.Paper was first made in China. 紙最早是在中國製造的。
2.My overcoat is made of cotton. 我的大衣是棉花製造的。
3.Where was this made? 這是哪裡製造的?
What made you decide to study Economics? - 你為什麼決定修讀經濟學?
What made you decide to change job? - 是什麼使你決定更換工作?
What made you change your job so frequently? - 為什麼你經常轉工?
What made you pick this job? - 你為什麼選擇這個工作?
Are all these goods made in your factory? - 所有這些貨物都是貴廠生產的嗎?
Claims, if any, must be made within 30 days after the arrival of the goods. - 索賠必須在貨物抵達目的地後30天內提出。
which we made clear at the beginning of the negotiation. - 關於這一點,我們早在開始談判時期就講明了。
I made a lunch date with him and his daughter weeks ago. - 幾星期前我約好和他以及他女兒共進午餐。
Now he's got his own trading company. Ann told me he made four million dollars last year. - 現在他已有自己的貿易公司。安告訴我他去年賺了400萬美元。
It was tough, but I made it. I'm a college graduate. - 那雖然不簡單, 但我成功了。 我現在是一名大學畢業生了。
I made a pig of myself. - 我吃得像一頭豬!
What material is this made from? - 這是什麼材料做的?
I haven't made a dent in my paperwork. - 我的那些文件沒怎麼動。
We weren't made for each other. - 我們不適合對方
Have you made the reservations for... - 你為。。。訂了座嗎?
Have you made the music arrangements? - 音樂安排好了嗎?
I made it myself. - 我自己做的。
I have something for you. I made it myself. - 我有件東西給你們, 是我親手做的。
I made enough for an army. - 我煎了一大堆。
I made another lunch date for today - 我和別人約好共進午餐,,
and made me feel more confident. - 使我對自己更加有信心。
He's always made me feel like his own daughter. - 他總是讓我覺得我是他的親生女兒。
My great-grandmother made that quilt - 我曾祖母縫好了這個被罩。
In those days, when they made quilts. - 那個時代 ,人們做被罩時,
you've made a very strong impression - 你已經留下了非常深刻的印象
You made me feel ashamed of myself. - 你讓我感到羞愧。
Did you find the sandwich I made for you? - 你找到我為你做的三明治了嗎?
sacrifices have to be made by one partner from time to time. - 總要有一方必須不時做些犧牲。
Do you think you made the right decision? - 認為你的決定正確嗎?
You sounded like you've made a decision - 你好像已經作了決定
I have made a decision, Rita Mae. - 我已經做了決定, Rita Mae。
was supposed to be made into a community center - 原計劃改成一個社區交誼中心
who have made my stay in the United States so wonderful. - 是你們使得我在美國的生活如此多采多姿。
and he made the weekend very easy for us to enjoy. - 使得我們的週末過得非常輕鬆愉快。
He made a pretty fortune by selling all his land. - 他賣了所有的土地發了大財。
You made a tough decision. - 你做了一個困難的決定。
He made up with his girlfriend. - 他和女朋友和好了。
He made an impressive speech. - 他發表了一篇感人的演講。
She made a good match when she married him. - 她嫁給了他,成就了美好姻緣。
Has he made it up with her yet? - 他和她和好了嗎?
Have they made it up yet? - 他們和好了嗎?
They quarreled with each other but soon made up. - 他們吵了一架,但很快就言歸於好。
He patted me on the back for the deal made yesterday. - 他對我昨天所做的交易表示滿意。
He made good in business. - 他事業成功。
He made a favorable impression on her father. - 他給她的父親留下了很好的印象。
You made a favorable impression on the examiners. - 你給主考留下了很好的印象。
He made up his mind to give up smoking. - 他下決心戒煙。
Challenge, the feeling of accomplishment, and knowing that you have made a contribution. - 挑戰,成就感和知道自己做出了貢獻。
The first chopsticks were made from bone and jade. - 第一批筷子是骨頭或玉製成的。
He did not win, but at least he made the effort. - 他雖然沒有獲勝,但至少已經盡了努力。
one mistake made in treatment - 一逆
be made into powder ifor oral use - 製成散劑服用
fixation with splint made of thick paperboard - 厚紙板固定
n. volcano bottom made multi-metals deposit - 火山底多合金沉澱
decoction made fome powder; decoction made from powder - 煮散
decoction made from pwder; dococt medicinal herbs - 煮藥
valve made of cattle pericardium - 牛心包瓣
made light of - 被輕視
The narcotic was made from Chinese hemp - 這種麻醉劑是漢麻制的
n.製成散劑服用 - be made into powder ifor oral use
n.煮散 - decoction made fome powder
n.煮散 - decoction made from powder
n.煮藥 - decoction made from pwder
n.厚紙板固定 - fixation with splint made of thick paperboard
n.國產的,自製的 - home made
n.一逆 - one mistake made in treatment
n.這種麻醉劑是漢麻制的 - The narcotic was made from Chinese hemp
n.牛心包瓣 - valve made of cattle pericardium