Microeconomics 微觀經濟學;個體經濟學;(微觀經濟學):其未來就業前景略同於宏觀經濟學。;微觀經濟;Neoclassical Microeconomics 新古典微觀經濟學;Microeconomics amp 西方經濟學;Introductory Microeconomics 微觀經濟學入門;Microeconomics Analysis 微觀經濟分析;
1.Incoming students take a voluntary microeconomics test-out at the beginning of the semester. Those that pass the test-out are exempt from taking Microeconomics. 剛進來的學生在學期開始被要求參加經濟學的測驗,若無法通過此測驗的學生,則要修習這門課程。
2.Microeconomics/Planning Economics is taught as two modular courses to Master of City Planning students. The logistics of the modules are explained below and syllabi and course notes follow. 個體經濟學/計劃經濟學是以兩組課程的模式教授給都市計劃的碩士班研究生。這個模式的概念將在下面解釋,課程大綱以及註釋亦隨後說明。
3.Microeconomics/Planning Economics is taught as two modular courses to Master of City Planning students. The logistics of the modules are explained below and syllabi and course notes follow. 微觀經濟學/計劃經濟學是以兩組課程的模式教授給都市計劃的碩士班研究生。這個模式的概念將在下面解釋,課程大綱以及註釋亦隨後說明。
4.The author's writing about the buying power of senior citizens and everybody knows that's microeconomics. 作者寫的是老年人的購買力,而每個人都知道那是微觀經濟學。
5.In microeconomics, production is the conversion of inputs into outputs. 在微觀經濟學,生產是「投入」到「產出」的轉換。