shortwave['ʃɔ:t'weiv]n. 短波vt. 用短波廣播發射
shortwave 用短波廣播發射;shortwave dlathermy 短波透熱法;shortwave diathermy 短波透熱法;短波治療;短波治療;釋義:短波透熱法;shortwave propagation 短波傳播;shortwave therapyd 短波;
1.Ebbert had a shortwave radio, so he called the police to report a serious car wreck three miles behind. 艾伯特車上裝有一個短波無線電,他呼叫警察,向他報告說,後方三英里處發生了一起嚴重的撞車事故。
2.The same storm disrupted shortwave radio transmissions, cripple Coast Guard loran navigation systems and had automatic garage doors opening on their own. 這次太陽風暴同時還使無線電短波通訊中斷,海岸警衛隊的洛蘭遠程導航系統癱瘓,車庫的自動門自行開啟。
3.Interestingly, the website Xinmin. com says that the solar eclipse can be heard through the radio as the phenomenon will interfere slightly with shortwave radio. 有意思的是,新民網報道說人們能通過廣播收聽到日全食,因為這一天象將輕微影響短波。