toilern. 勞動者;辛苦工作的人
toiler 勞動者;辛勤工作的人;辛苦工作者;勤勞者;Toiler Paper 衛生紙公益廣告;Gamazyme toiler descaler 廁所除垢劑;labourer son of toil toiler wageworker worker workingman 勞動者;
1.Mr Bogdanor, an Oxford don and long a toiler in the constitutional vineyard, is a man with a mission. 博格達諾先生是牛津大學的一名講師,長期在憲法研究方面嘔心瀝血,使命感強烈。
2.But the toiler on the assembly line had never spoken up so loudly until Alan Sillitoe, in "Saturday Night and Sunday Morning" (1958), produced Arthur Seaton. 直到艾倫·西利托於1958年寫出小說《週六晚上和週日早上》———主人公亞瑟·西頓的誕生才宣告終結這種局面。
3.Escape from Corporate America outlines what the downtrodden toiler needs to do to actually get up out of his or her cubicle and chase down his or her dreams. 在她的「從美國公司逃脫」書中,概述了那些受工作壓迫的勞動者需要脫離他們的辦公室重新振並追逐下來他們的夢想。