Colone 冒號;selfed colone 自花授粉無性系;Shirley Temple Collection The Little Colone 秀蘭·鄧波兒電影全集 小上校;
1.She likes my tone, my colone and the way I roll(hey! 她喜歡我的顏色,我的味道跟我的調調(黑!
2.Since ten years old, you had been told that you were just a colone person of your father. 當你十歲的時候,你被告知你只是你父親的克隆人。
3.I reckon Private Jones has overstepped the mark by taking the colone's daughter to a disco and keeping her out all night. 我想二等兵瓊斯把上校的女兒帶去跳迪斯科舞又整夜不歸,這樣做得太過份了。