n. communicating
communication[kə,mju:ni'keiʃən]n. 通訊,通信;交流
communication 信息交流/溝通;通訊;溝通;語言交流;Communication channel 信道;通信信道;溝通渠道;傳意途徑;mass communication 大眾傳播;大眾溝通;大眾傳媒;傳播學;Communication Fundamentals 通信原理;通訊原理;通衋原理;Visual Communication 視覺傳播;可視通訊;視覺傳達;視覺傳達設計;
1.Ability to communication. 表達能力強。
2.Can communication with English through colleagues. 能夠和同事用英語交流。
3.And you can have communication although you are in different classes ! 雖然你們在不同的班級,但你們仍然可以聯絡!
I think we're having communication problems again. - 我想我們又遇到語言溝通的問題了。
We have to maintain communication to understand each other. - 必須保持交流以求相互理解。
We should be aware of different styles of communication according to different cultures. - 我們應該意識到根據不同的文化會有不同的交流方式。
Indirect communication is often considered as dishonest and tactical. - 間接的溝通往往被認為是不誠實和具策略性的。
Straightforward communication is usually more appreciated. - 坦率地交流常常更值得推崇。
And straightforward communication will serve as a useful basic of successful business transactions. - 以及坦率的溝通,這些將構成順利生意交涉的有效基礎。
There is no longer any communication between them. - 他們之間好久不說話了。
Do you live across from the Communication Bank? - 你在交通銀行對面居住嗎?
it was not long before its use as the uniquely recognizable broadcasting frequency for interstellar communication was suggested. - 提出把它作為星際間唯一可辨認的廣播頻率就為期不遠了。
For his lifentime's work in studying the communication of animals, including honey bees, Professor Karl von Frisch was given a Nobel Prize in 1973, which he shared with two other scientists. He died in 1982. - 由於卡爾·馮·弗裡施教授一生都在研究蜜蜂在內的動物之間信息的傳遞,他和另外兩位科學家在1973被授予一項諾貝爾獎。他於1982年去世。
communication branch with ciliary ganglion - 睫狀神經節交通支
動靜脈交通,動靜脈吻合 - arteriovenous communication
n.細胞間通訊,細胞通訊 - cell communication
數據累積 - data communication
n.言語會紊亂 - disorder of verbal communication
非語言交流 - nonverbal communication
n.實時通信 - real-time communication
全通信 - total communication