





erythema[,eri'θi:mə]n. [醫]紅斑,紅疹


erythema 紅斑;紅疹;水皰及大皰型多形紅斑;紅斑, 非凍瘡;erythema multiforme 多形性紅斑;多形紅斑;重症多形紅斑;水皰及大皰型多形紅斑;erythema dose 紅斑量;紅斑劑量;釋義:紅斑量,紅疹量;紅斑量,紅疹量;erythema infectiosum 傳染性紅斑;感染性紅斑;傳染性紅斑(第五病);erythema flux 紅斑症輻射線;


1.Edema and erythema result . 發生水腫及紅斑。

2.Another form of erythema is pellagra. 糙皮病則是另一種形式的紅斑。

3.Erythema grew on the buttock, and urticant still, accompany have red appearance, increasing, this is what reason. 屁股上長了紅斑,而且還癢,並伴有紅腫現象,越來越多了,這是什麼原因。


erythema papulatum - 丘疹性紅斑

erythema toxicum - 中毒性紅斑

erythema infectiosum; fifth disease; infectious erythema - 傳染性紅斑

congestive erythema; erythema congestivum; erythema simplex - 充血性紅斑

chilblain; erythema pernio; frostbite - 凍瘡

chilblain; erythema a frigore; erythema pernio - 凍瘡紅斑

erythema gangrenosum - 壞疽性紅斑

erythema gyatum - 回狀紅斑

erythema multiforme - 多形性紅斑

erythema multiforme bullosum - 大皰性多形性紅斑

diffuse erythema; erythema diffuseum - 瀰漫性紅斑

erythema chronicum migrans - 慢性遊走性紅斑

erythema figuratum perstans - 持久性回狀紅斑

erythema perstans - 持久性紅斑

erythema dyschromicum perstans - 持久性色素障礙性紅斑

erythema elvatum diutinum - 持久性隆起性紅斑

erythema multiforme exudativum; stevens-johnson syndrome - 斯-約二氏綜合征

erythema infectiosum; stickers disease - 施提克爾氏病

erythema solare; sunburn - 日曬紅斑

erythema nodosum syphiliticum; mauriacsdisease - 梅毒結節性紅斑

brucella dermatitis; erythema brucellum - 波狀熱皮炎

epidemic arthritic erythema; erythema arthriticum epidemicum; haverhill fever - 流行性關節紅斑

erythema abidgne; erythema calore; erythema caloricum - 火激紅斑

erythema caloricum - 熱力紅斑

erythema scarlatiniforme - 猩紅熱樣紅斑

erythema muliforme - 貓眼瘡

erythema annulare centrifugum - 環形離心性紅斑

erythema nodosum; vasculitis nodularis - 瓜籐纏

erythema pudicitiae; morbid flushing - 病理紅斑

skin erythema dose - 皮膚紅斑劑量

skin erythema dose - 皮膚紅斑量

erythema annulare acquisitum centnifugum; halo nevus - 離心性環形紅斑

erythema centrifugum - 離心性紅斑

erythema induratum - 硬紅斑

erythema infetiosum; fifth disease - 第五病

erythema; erythema dermatitis - 紅斑

erythema effect - 紅斑作用

erythema dose - 紅斑劑量

erythema zone - 紅斑區

erythema dose - 紅斑量

erythema threshold - 紅斑閾

tuberculous erythema nodosum - 結核性結節紅斑

dermatitis contusiformia; erythema nodosum; erythemanodosum - 結節性紅斑

erythema iris - 虹彩形紅斑

erythema paratrimma - 褥瘡前紅斑

erythema amrginatum - 邊緣性紅斑

delayed erythema dose - 遲發性紅斑量

threshold erythema dose - 閾值紅斑量

erythema annulare rheumaticum - 風濕性環形紅斑

erythema morbilliforme - 麻疹樣紅斑


n.不定形紅斑 - amorphous erythema

n.冷紅斑 - cold erythema

n.充血性紅斑 - congestive erythema

n.遲發性紅斑量 - delayed erythema dose

n.剝脫脫屑性紅斑 - desquamative exfoliative erythema

n.瀰漫性紅斑 - diffuse erythema

浮腫性紅斑 - edematous erythema

n.流行性關節紅斑 - epidemic arthritic erythema

n.滲出性多形紅斑 - exudative multiform erythema

n.摩擦紅斑 - friction erythema

n.全身性紅斑 - generalized erythema

n.尿布紅斑,尿布皮炎 - gluteal erythema

n.出血性紅斑 - hemorrhagic erythema

n.出血滲出性紅斑 - hemorrhagic exudative erythema

n.傳染性紅斑 - infectious erythema

n.斑疹性紅斑 - macular erythema

n.遊走性紅斑 - migratory erythema

n.九日紅斑 - milians erythema

最小紅斑量 - minimal erythema dose

壞死性移行性紅斑 - necrolytic migratory erythema

新生兒寄生胎紅斑 - newborn parasite erythema

n.九日紅斑 - ninth-day erythema

n.掌紅斑 - palman erythema

手掌紅斑 - palmar erythema

n.天皰瘡樣紅斑 - pemphigoid erythema

猩紅熱狀紅斑 - scarlatiniform erythema

n.二度紅斑 - second-degree erythema

n.皮膚紅斑劑量,皮膚紅斑量 - skin erythema dose

日光性紅斑 - solar erythema

n.紅斑鱗屑 - the scales on erythema

n.三度紅斑 - third-degree erythema

n.閾值紅斑量 - threshold erythema dose

中毒性疹,中毒性紅斑 - toxic erythema

n.結核性結節紅斑 - tuberculous erythema nodosum

n.酒紅斑 - wine erythema

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