n. debilitation ,enervation ,enfeeblement
exhaustion[iɡ'zɔ:stʃən]n. 枯竭;耗盡;精疲力竭
exhaustion 損耗;排氣;排除,排盡;疲憊;resource exhaustion 資源枯竭;資源耗竭;heat exhaustion 熱衰竭;中暑衰竭;中暑;熱衰竭 輕微的熱危害,會引起頭暈、昏倒及大量出汗,與熱虛脫相似。主要是因為心肺系統無法滿足身體的需求所致。當在正常情況的熱環境下運動時,工作 肌及皮膚能有效地排出過多的體熱;exhaustion psychosis 衰竭性精神病;釋義:衰竭性精神病;衰竭性精神障礙;疲憊性精神病;exhaustion gaps 竭盡缺口;耗盡缺口;衰竭性缺口;竭盡缺口;
1.She walked me to exhaustion . 她使我走得疲憊不堪。
2.Exhaustion, with what method to adjust oneself? 疲憊了,用什麼方法調節自己?
3.Exhaustion of rights is the support rationale of parallel import. 權利窮竭原則是支持平行進口的理論基礎。
and these will ply the short wings with such irresistible power that they can bore for long distances through an opposing gale before exhaustion follows. - 這些肌肉以巨大的力量扇動短小的翅膀,使這類鳥能頂著大風飛行很遠的路才會疲勞。
syncope due to exhaustion below - 上厥下竭
exhaustion of blood with cold limbs - 下厥上竭
exhaustion from cold - 受寒衰竭
exhaustion of genuine qi - 失氣
severe exhaustion of vital essence - 奪精
exhaustion from cold - 寒冷性衰竭
exhaustion due to sexual indulgence; exhaustion due to texual indulgence; sexual strain - 房勞
exhaustion of qi resulting from hemorrhea; exhauxtion of qi resulting from hemorrhea; hemorrhagic shock; hemorrhagicshock - 氣隨血脫
exhaustion syndrome - 疲勞綜合征
bark of chinese cassia tree; cassia bark; cinnamon bark; exhaustion of flesh - 肉極
impending exhaustion of the stomach-qi - 胃氣將敗之兆
exhaustion ofqi - 脫氣
exhaustion of ying and essence - 脫營失精
exhausion of yang; exhaustion of yang - 脫陽
exhaustion of yin - 脫陰
exhaustion impotence - 衰弱性陽萎
exhaustion psychosis - 衰竭性精神病
exhaustion delirium - 衰竭性譫妄
exhaustion syndrome - 衰竭綜合征
blood prostration; exhaustion of the blood - 血脫
bleeding resulting from exhaustion of qi - 血隨氣陷
utmost yang and exhaustion of yin - 陽極陰竭
exhaustion of yin-yang - 陰陽亡失
n.氣極 - air exhaustion
n.血隨氣陷 - bleeding resulting from exhaustion of qi
n.血極,血枯 - blood exhaustion
n.骨極 - bone exhaustion
n.心肌耗竭 - cardiac muscular exhaustion
n.慢性神經衰弱 - chronic neurous exhaustion
戰時虛脫,戰時衰竭 - combat exhaustion
n.精極 - essence exhaustion
n.五奪 - five kinds of exhaustion
n.熱衰竭,熱虛脫 - heat exhaustion
n.胃氣將敗之兆 - impending exhaustion of the stomach-qi
n.產母衰竭 - maternal exhaustion
神經疲憊,腦力衰竭 - nervous exhaustion
n.勞則氣耗 - over-exertion resulting in qi exhaustion
n.並後勞復,勞復 - recurrence of disease due to exhaustion
n.奪精 - severe exhaustion of vital essence
n.側方排氣 - side exhaustion
n.衰竭期 - stage of exhaustion
n.脫汗 - sweating from exhaustion
n.上厥下竭 - syncope due to exhaustion below
n.筋極 - tendon exhaustion
n.產後三脫,三脫 - three kinds of postpartum symptoms of exhaustion
n.陽極陰竭 - utmost yang and exhaustion of yin
n.亡陽,陽絕 - yang exhaustion
n.陰絕 - yin exhaustion