





n. 6 ,captain hicks ,half a dozen ,hexada. 6 ,half dozen ,half-dozen ,vi


six[siks]num. 六,六個n. 六,六個


SIX 六代概念車;手機,防水是基本;沙漠旋轉工地;午夜塔羅牌;Six Point 六角形面;六點;六角形;六角星;Unit Six 景點和導遊;第六單元;老師與同學;集中雙元音;six man 第六人;第六人 場上用語;six flowered 六花的;


1.Six is a lucky number in China. 在中國「六」是一個吉祥的數字。

2.Bess ate all of six fruit cakes. 貝絲足足吃了六塊水果蛋糕。

3.The couple has two children, four grandchildren and six great grandchildren. 夫婦有二個孩子,四個孫子和六個偉大的孫子。


I have received the secretarial training for six months. - 我曾接受過6個月的秘書訓練。

At six you're meeting, Mr. Ozawa. - 六點鐘 ,要會見Ozawa先生。

Oh, five or six years ago. - 哦,五六年前。

It's six o'clock. - 已經六點了。

Robbie's cooking tonight, and dinner's at six thirty. - 今晚Robbie作飯 晚餐六點半開始。

OK, a movie. Six words. - 好, 一部電影。六個字。

for my six o'clock appointment with Mr. Ozawa. - 參加六點鐘與Ozawa先生的約見。

No. But in five or six months ... - 不急。但是在五 、六個月後……

John Marchetta gave me my start here six years ago, - 六年前 ,John Marchetta讓我在這兒起步,

Weight: eight pounds six ounces. - 體重: 八磅六盎司。

They're coming by at six tomorrow morning, - 他們明天早晨六點鐘過來,

He says he'll get up at six tomorrow morning, but he'll never make it. - 他說他明天早上要6點起床,但他是絕對做不到的。

I've got six months to go until graduation. - 我還有六個月就畢業了。

She hasn't been employed for six months now. - 她已經失業半年了。

He is attending a morning intensive course four hours a day, six days a week. - 他每週六早晨都上一門4小時的速成課。

He has spent over six years working in Africa and India. - 在非洲和印度工作了六年。

Through his experiences during those six years. - 在這六年中。

I get up before six o'clock every day. - 每天我六點前起床。

If I went with you,I'd have to be back by six o'clock - 如果我與你一起去了,我將不得不在6點鐘回來。

I will be in between six and eight. - 我6點至8點都在。

We really can't discount the price more than six percent. - 我們真的無法提供超過6%的折扣。

A discount of six percent is all that I'm authorized to offer you. - 6%的折扣是我權限內所能給你的。

Martha will expect you to come by at six o'clock for dinner. - 瑪莎以為你在六點以前會來吃晚飯。

I'm going to buy six inches. - 我要買六英吋。

I'm going to send her six bags. - 我要送給她六袋。

I get up at six o'clock. - 我六點起床。

It is six o'clock.In the evening, the children usually do their homework, but this evening, they are not doing their homework. - 現在是6點鐘。晚上,孩子們通常是做作業,而今天晚上,他們沒做企業。

Then I arrived home at six o'clock yesterday evening. He telephoned again.But I didn't answer the phone! - 後來,我昨晚6點鐘回到家裡。他又打來電話,但我沒接。

I said I would be at your house at six o'clock, but the boss want me to do some extra work. - 我說過我6點到你家,但老闆要我加班。

He has been there for six months. - 他在那兒已經住了6個月了。

Dressed up as Father Christmas and accompanied by a 'guard of honour' of six pretty girls, he set off down the main street of the city riding a baby elephant called Jumbo. - 他打扮成聖誕老人,在由6個漂亮姑娘組成的「儀仗隊」的陪同下,騎上一頭名叫江伯的小象,沿著城裡的主要街道出發了。

Macaroni has been grown in this area for over six hundred years. - 通心粉在這個地區已經種植了600多年了。

There were six million visitors in all, - 參觀的人數總共是600萬。

Such creatures have rarely been seen alive by man as they live at a depth of six hundred feet. - 人們很少能看到活著的這類動物,因為它們生活在600英尺深的水下。

Though they extol the virtues of the peaceful life, only one of hem has ever gone to live in the country and he was back in town within six months. - 儘管他們都交口稱讚寧靜的鄉村生活的種種優點,但其中只有一個人真去農村住過,而且不足6個月就回來了。

As it is only six feet across, it is barely noticeable. - 僅6英尺寬,很難被發現。

Admittedly it was an unusual pie dish, for it was eighteen feet long and six feet wide. - 這個餡餅盤子確實少見,有18英尺長,6英尺寬。

and beyond six or seven they are worthless. - 如果超過六七天,天氣預報就沒有了任何價值。

but belongs to the air, travelling it may be six thousand miles to and from its northern nesting home, feeding its flown young as it flies, - 在空中十分自如,可以飛行6,000英里,可以飛往北方做窩的老家,再從老家飛回;一邊飛一邊餵養會飛的雛燕,甚至在頂風時也能在氣流中滑翔,似乎氣流在幫它前進。

who has beenworking or worrying about serious things for six days, - 為嚴肅的公務操勞或煩惱了6天的

Lucy and I go to school six days a week. - 魯茜和我每週上六天課。

They play it like this, six students stand in a row in front of the class. - 6個學生在全班前面站成一排。

The six students put their closed hands in front of them. - 6個學生將握緊的手放在前面。

He made only six films between 1940 and 1966 and only the first of these is still popular today. - 1940年至1966年,他僅製作了6部電影,其中只有第一部至今仍然受到歡迎。

Goodness me! Six zeros! I've never seen anything like this before. - 天啊!帶六個零的大鈔!我還從來沒有見過這樣大的鈔票。

Many of them have to wait six months for their goods. - 許多顧客不得不等上半年才得到所需的商品。

Goodness, six zeros! What can I say? - 天那!六個零!我能說些什麼呢?

I'll pay you six thousand ducats for the three thousand ducats that Antonio borrowed. - 我將付給你六千塊錢,用來歸還安東尼奧借的那三千塊錢。

If you offered me six times what you have just offered, I would still take my pound of flesh. - 即使你願意我六倍於你剛才提出的錢數,我仍然要拿我應得的那一磅肉。

We could have a walk around. Let's go out at about six o'clock, shall we? - 我們可以四處走走。咱們大約6點出發,行嗎?


five zang-organs and six fu-organs; the five viscera and six bowels - 五臟六腑

Six to One Powder - 六一散

six changes - 六變

bolus of six drugs including rehmannia - 六味地黃丸

six exhaustions - 六極

six kinds of natural factors; the six natural factorts - 六氣

the six exogenous factors - 六淫

six guiding principles - 六綱

the six channels - 六經

six zang-organs - 六髒

six fu-organs - 六腑

the six fu-organs function well when unobstructed - 六腑以通為用

the six fu-organs - 六腑者

six kinds of stagnancy - 六郁

six yang channels - 六陽脈

six yin channels - 六陰脈


n.六味地黃丸 - bolus of six drugs including rehmannia

n.五臟六腑 - five zang-organs and six fu-organs

n.五臟六腑 - the five viscera and six bowels

n.六經 - the six channels

n.六淫 - the six exogenous factors

n.六腑者 - the six fu-organs

n.六腑以通為用 - the six fu-organs function well when unobstructed

n.六氣 - the six natural factorts

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