Beltanen. 五月一日(農曆)
Beltane 農曆五月一日;夏節;五朔節(義大利);beltane-ree 貝爾坦裡天氣;拜黨裡暴風天;Huron 'Beltane' Fire Dance 休倫湖「五朔節」火舞;
1.The man who got the better of the stags would take on the role of the Stag Lord for the Beltane revels on May Day. 很久很久以前,在五朔節的前夜,村子裡的男人會到樹林裡去,頭戴雄鹿角,身披雄鹿皮,然後與正在發情的雄鹿打一種「遊樂仗」,比一比誰勇敢。
2.April 30th is undoubtedly one of the oldest and most important spring holidays in Europe, And is known as Beltane or May Eve. 四月三十日被稱為「五朔節」或者「五月前夜」,它無疑四歐洲春天裡最古老並且最重要的節日之一。
3.Beltane is one of the ancient pre-Christian fire festivals (along with midsummer , Hallowe'en and midwinter - now translated into Christmas . 朔是一個古老的前基督教消防節(隨著盛夏 , 萬聖節隆冬-現在譯為聖誕節) 。