bviabbr. 英屬處女島(British Virgin Islands)
BVI British Virgin Island;英屬維京群島;Beidge-Group Virtual Interface;THE BRITISH VIRGIN ISLANDS;Unicom BVI 聯通BVI;Zee Bvi 季小薇;BVI Blade Vortex Interaction 槳葉渦旋互相作用;BVI offshore company 英屬維爾京離岸公司;
1.In case that you don't want to do business in Britain, BVI is similar to EBC. 如果閣下不想在英國進行貿易的話,BVI公司與英國有限公司是很相似的;
2.Bermuda, Cayman, Jersey and the BVI do—a point of particular pride for OFCs—but it is still hard to get information on them. 百慕大、開曼群島、澤西島以及英屬維爾京群島等地的政府雖然制定了相關的一些法規但卻很難真正獲取這類交易的信息。
3.BVI Company (BVI) must have a Registered Agent and a Registered Office in the B. V. I. Fees are charged and payable annually in advance. BVI公司需有註冊代理及註冊地址在BVI本土內。註冊代理及註冊位址,用度每年預繳。